2009: what we said we would do and what we delivered JÏÏ1 What we said Stakeholder dialogue What we have done eken rj? Energy Water Overview Have a better structured dialogue Engaged with a broad group of stakeholders and gave open feedback on the conclusions in the report Extend to improve energy savings Redefine our scope and approach Review our actions on carbon footprint We are close to hitting our 15 per cent energy efficiency target in 2010 We will extend our activities to non-production in the context of our new approach We have developed an approach towards reduction of our carbon footprint Redefine our scope and approach Sign and support the UN CEO Water Mandate We have developed a new approach to water for the next decade In March 2009, we signed up to the UN CEO Water Mandate We are presently on 4.8 hi water/hi beer hence approaching our longer term target Continue realising water savings to 4.5 hi water/hi beer We have launched a programme aimed at contractor safety and the number of accidents involving contractors has gone down In the context of our new approach for a new decade, we will include non-production staff in our safety activities More attention was paid to road and vehicle safety in the Africa and Middle East Region however more still needs to be done More attention to safety of contractors Extend scope outside production area Improve communication on road vehicle safety at sites Sustainability Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2009 | | pagina 8