Stakeholder dialogue At the end of 2008 and throughout 2009, we engaged a broad group of stakeholders in order to obtain their views on the direction we should be taking on a variety of issues and concerns, as well as vis-a-vis our material sustainability issues. Many of the conclusions have been used as input for our new approach. Stakeholders that we have actively approached include European Union officials, representatives from the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) community, employees, suppliers, NGOs and our external assurance provider. The key stakeholder feedback entailed: Sustainability must be more embedded into the organisation and should include SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-based) targets; Align the scope of the report with the impact of the Company's full range of activities. Where necessary, redefine the scope of the report beyond production units; Consider including sustainability targets within long- or short-term incentive plans; Indicate how stakeholder engagement took place and the different groups involved; Provide greater transparency on how Heineken identifies suppliers and ensures they meet the standards outlined in our Supplier Code; Improve coverage of labour issues, and/or disclose more information on how employee rights are systematically implemented and monitored; The activities around agriculture lack quantitative targets or links to other issues on the sustainability agenda, such as water and impact on society; Heineken should be more explicit on its performance, challenges and ambitions towards energy and safety in transport. We have addressed some of these points in our sustainability approach for 2010 and beyond. Regular updates on sustainability programmes on our Company website in the corporate responsibility section; A Global Compact Reference Index within the Sustainability Report to help stakeholders find relevant information more easily; as we follow the GRI Guidelines we do not feel a Global Compact Reference table adds to the accessibility of our information; Extended assurance to provide greater confidence in the overall reliability of the data (see 'About this report' on page 2); Inclusion of more examples of what happens in each of the markets in which Heineken operates in order to make the Report less technical, more engaging and easier to read (see the case studies used throughout the report). In 2009, we further developed our reputation model that - in part - enables us to have a deeper insight into the views and opinions of our stakeholders on our sustainability agenda and performance. From 2010 onwards, we will begin to use this model to help track and trace opinions on Heineken. Your feedback We cannot improve performance or reporting without feedback from our stakeholders. If you have any questions or remarks, we would like to hear from you. Please send your e-mail to or write to: Sean O'Neill, Group Corporate Relations Director Sietze Montijn, Head of Corporate Responsibility Mark van Rijn, Manager Company and Society Heineken P.O. Box 28 1000 AA Amsterdam The Netherlands We thank you for taking the time to read this report and we look forward to hearing your views and suggestions. Specific recommendations that have been addressed in this Sean O'Neill Report are as follows: Group Corporate Relations Director Greater clarity on the implementation of the Supplier Code and the pilots planned in Africa and Middle East and Asia (see 'Supply Chain Responsibility' on page 26); Comparisons of results of the research commissioned by the Beer Sellers In Cambodia (BSIC) and by Siem Reap Citizens for Health, Educational and Social Issues (SirCHESI) and explanation of the differences between the research results from both organisations (see 'Our impact on society' on page 32); Heineken N.V. - Sustainability Report 2009 3

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2009 | | pagina 5