Appendix 3: Overview of
environmental performance
Absolute figures
Beer production 135.2 158.9 127.9 119.6
Cider production M'" 0.0 3.8 3.8 3.6
Soft drinkjproductkmMhl H-2 15.5 12.0 12.6
Malt production ktons 612 600 600 586
Water ^m3 78.1 89.8 71.6 68.2
Waste water ^m356.0 64.7 51.7 48.7
Electricity GWh 1,4501,690 1,3401,230
Thermal energy pJ16.018.214.4 13.6
CO;, emissions (direct) ktons1069 1187 904 848
NOx emissions tC)ris1,810 2,070 1,580 1,480
S0X emissions tons3,490 3,1601,940 2,040
Organic load before treatment ktons cod150 179 141 129
Effluent organic load* ktons cod 28.1 30.3 15.9 17.3
Effluent total nitrogen* '0I'S N 913 1211 736 754
Effluent total phosphorous* tons p 548 689 483 1588
Effluent suspended solids* ktons d.m. 6.77 7.20 4.39 6.86
Total hazardous waste ktons 1.51 1.95 1.70 1.81
Non-recycled hazardous wastektons 0.36 0.74 0.69 0.81
Total waste water sludge ktons d.m.10.0613.0310.6012.14
Non-recycled waste water sludge ktons d m- 2.91 2.22 1.42 3.28
Total co-products, packaging industrial waste ktons 2,790 3,180 2,580 2,340
Non-recycled industrial waste ktons 132 151 127 125
NH3 in use tons; 927 1049 782 862
NH.i losses tons75 95 71 76
HC based refrigerants in usetons38 51 33 36
HC based refrigerants losttons 17 15 14 15
Halons in use tons 1-26 1.05 0.24 0.27
Environmental and safety complaintsnumber37746575
Environmental and safety accidents with off-site effects number64
Heineken Group
Consolidated Consolidated
Group Volume volume volume
Performance indicatorUnit2007200820082009
kg Ru equivalents 1,518 1,803 1,739 1,138
ktons CO2 equivalents 37.3 37.4 34.7 35.2
discharged to surface water
NOTE: no report was received from Rouiba
Sustainability Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.