Appendix 2: Reporting basis Scope The safety and environmental data presented in this report relate to the years 2007,2008 and 2009 for the production units of the Heineken operating companies. The term 'production unit' means breweries, maltings, cider plants, soft drink plants and combinations of these, at which malt, beer, cider and soft drinks are produced. The data cover the production units of fully consolidated companies that are included in the financial statements. The figures do not include distribution departments nor head offices and do not include joint ventures. The volume figures presented in the environmental section of this report, based on production, may differ slightly from the figures presented in Heineken's financial report, which are based on sales. This difference is accounted for by exports and a number of recently acquired production units that have not yet submitted data. Newly acquired production units are required to start reporting directly after the first calendar year after the date of acquisition. The data presented in the sections on Agriculture, Supply Chain Responsibility, Responsible Beer Consumption and Our Impact on Developing Markets are derived from databases that are available on Group level. Reporting systems The maltings, breweries, cider plants and soft-drink plants gather the data in accordance with guidelines and definitions formulated by Heineken Supply Chain based on the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines (G3 2006). Their reports are submitted annually to this Group, where they are checked for completeness, plausibility of data and accuracy. A training course is also provided at the request of the production units to instruct employees in the production units on accurate acquiring, verification and filing of data. Visits have been conducted by Heineken Internal Audit and Heineken Supply Chain to check the quality of the information they provide by comparing it with invoices, measurements, calculations, etc. Additionally, all data have been subject to internal audit activities. Targets The Sustainability Report may contain two types of targets: long-term targets and operational targets. Long-term targets have centrally been set at Group Function level like for energy consumption. Operational targets are part of the normal Operational Plan Cycle and are set locally by the production unit to fulfill the long-term targets. Each production unit sets annually operational targets for a number of parameters (e.g. safety, electricity consumption, water consumption) for the three years to come. The targets are influenced by e.g. changes of production volume and projects. The aggregated company target of a parameter is the volume-average of site targets. Therefore, these targets can differ over the years also due to acquisitions and divestments. Safety reporting The safety reporting system is used by the production units to record accidents at their locations and report on the consequences for both their own staff and contractor personnel. 'Own staff includes both permanent, temporary staff and agency personnel. Overtime is included in the production workforce calculation. Heineken Supply Chain has defined six parameters, which must as a minimum be reported at local level, to serve as the basis for measuring the results achieved by our breweries, maltings and softdrink plants. These results are expressed in two performance indicators. Appendices 42 Sustainability Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2009 | | pagina 44