io-year ambition and short-term targets to 2012 Here we outline the overall ambition that we have defined for 2020 for the six strategic initiatives and the interim targets to achieve by the end of 2012 in order to provide a sound platform on which to achieve our long-term ambition. 1. Green brewer Our Ambition: Use energy in an efficient way and to reduce the associated fossil C02 emissions at least in line with international agreements and treaties and, where possible, ahead of these. We will develop the concept of the C02 -neutral brewery and implement this in at least 3 breweries. We will strive to use water in the most efficient way and without compromising access to water for users of the same source. The used water will be returned to the eco system, in a quality that is suitable for its next use, or discharged with a quality that does not harm the eco-system or its potential next use. As far as is possible financially and technically, we will seek to apply the water-neutrality principle at our breweries and production units in water-stressed areas. Average fossil C02 emission: 8.5 kg/hi Specific energy consumption: 155 MJ/hl Specific water consumption: 4.3 hl/hl First pilot on water neutrality executed Energy efficient brewery designed Water Footprint studies performed Inventory of energy water consumption for brewery warehouses and offices, including studies for improving energy water efficiency 2. Green Commerce Our Ambition: Achieve a significant reduction of the carbon footprint of our brands and business using stakeholder- accepted models and tools. Transparent reporting against clear benchmarks. Include carbon reduction throughout the value chain supported by a new supplier code. A significant reduction in the total carbon load per hectolitre by 2020. Carbon and environment are part of the considerations for new packaging, innovations and business ventures. Develop and execute a baseline carbon footprint model Design and adopt a new packaging policy with agreed targets for carbon reduction Evaluation criteria for new product innovations are introduced in all regions Energy reduction of 15% in cooling against index Continuous roll-out of guidelines on Life Cycle Analysis and carbon footprint for cooling equipment to suppliers Carbon reduction opportunities in distribution identified through footprint reviews for Top 20 markets Distribution efficiency standards defined for owned and outsourced operations 3. Engaging Employees Our Ambition: A completely safe and secure working environment for all our employees. Consistent achievement of zero fatalities across our business. All employees fully aware of their rights and their obligations. Rights part of the annual audit. Employees are routinely engaged in local, regional and international activities that support communities and causes. Accident frequency target for supply chain: maximum 1.2 accidents/lOOFTEs Safety targets set for non-production related activities Training modules for employees in high and medium safety risk functions rolled out Integrity included in employee surveys and followed up Employee Rights policy adopted, implemented and audited "Day of Giving" programme and volunteering scheme implemented in 10 operations 4. Heineken Cares Our Ambition: To help empower thousands of people across hundreds of communities where we are active via the sustainable local supply of raw materials, in the right quantity and quality and at a fair and acceptable return and cost. All of our employees and dependents have access to basic medical care (meeting pre-defined local standards). We will increase the level of Corporate Social Investment (CSI) in developing markets and will monitor our economic impact and act in order to maximise our local economic impact within the economic boundaries of our company. In 2010, double, to EUR 20 million, the funding for the Heineken Africa Foundation, enabling EUR 1 million investment per year thereafter Local sourcing activities fully evaluated and regional targets for 2015 are set Evaluation of our reporting and monitoring system for sustainable agriculture and the definition of an action plan to improve compliance Standards for sustainable agriculture are aligned with and verified by stakeholders Inventory of possible partnerships with NGOs in the area of CSI All operations that do not meet our defined standard of healthcare include improvement plans in their operational planning Perform 12 Economic Impact Assessments - Appendices By 2012: By 2012: By 2012: By 2012: Target refers to breweries in scope of the Energy Savings Programme 40 Sustainability Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2009 | | pagina 42