Appendix 1: Brewing a Better Future A New Approach for a New Decade Scope One of the inconsistencies in our current sustainability agenda is that in some areas, the scope is all operations where we have technical control (e.g. energy, water and safety) but limited approval over investments, whereas in other areas the scope is majority owned operations (e.g. supply chain responsibility and our impact on developing markets). Another scoping inconsistency relates to the reach of our activities: for example in the area of safety our activities and consequent reporting relate to accidents in the production area only. We have therefore defined the scope for our new agenda as all operations where we have a majority share. This way, the scope of our financial reporting and sustainability reporting are fully aligned and we cover all businesses where we are able to fully implement our activities. All new targets and commitments are valid for the operations that were fully consolidated in 2009, meaning that in the future we will report on the progress for this group. We will of course roll-out our programmes to any potential acquisitions between 2010 and 2020: we will also report separately on the progress made in these companies as time goes by. Governance To drive our new agenda, we have redesigned the governance for sustainability. We have created an Executive level Steering Committee comprising: Group Corporate Relations Director (Chair) Group Supply Chain Director Group Commerce Director Group Human Resources Director This Steering Committee operates under the responsibility of the Executive Committee. It will meet four times a year to advise and challenge the progress on the 23 programmes and their associated targets and commitments. It will seek direct input from both internal and external stakeholders. It prepares a written report for both the Executive Board and Executive Committee, defining the actions that should be part of the Three Year Plans and Key Issues Meetings for the Group functions, the Regions and the operations in order to achieve our targets. In compliance with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, our Supervisory Board will discuss sustainability at least once per year. A dedicated management role reporting to the Group Corporate Relations Director will be responsible for co ordinating stakeholder engagement and co-ordinating and aligning all activities relating to the Sustainability agenda in all relevant Group departments. Sustainability Stream Leaders will drive the programmes that fall under the responsibility of their specific department. Each of the 23 programmes has a dedicated 'owner' responsible for steering progress on that programme towards the 2020 ambition. Twice a year we will seek independent, external input on our agenda from recognised experts in either sustainability in general or, in one of our specific programme areas. 38 Appendices Sustainability Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2009 | | pagina 40