A new approach
for a new decade
During the last year, we were frequently asked the following
question: "Will the economic downturn negatively impact
your commitment to and actions on sustainability?" Our
answer was simple: No. If anything, the current recession has
shown that managing a business for only short-term gain
destroys shareholder value in the long term and is harmful
to employees and society at large.
We believe that maintaining a long-term perspective and
helping to increase the positive impacts on the societies
in which we operate, is crucial for a successful business.
Our new approach reflects our desire to play a positive
role in society and a leading role in our industry to build
a sustainable future. And although I realise we do not have
all the answers and we do not always meet 100 per cent
of the objectives we have set, I am genuinely excited by
what the next 10 years hold.
Our plan coincides with the 10th anniversary of our first
sustainability report. In the last decade, I believe we have
made great progress on a significant number of issues and
we are encouraged by the recognition we receive for our
achievements. This year, for the third year in a row, we
are ranked as the leading brewer globally and the leading
beverage company in Europe within the SAM Dow Jones
Sustainability Index. Additionally, we have continued
acceptance as a member of FTSE4Good.
Looking back, I believe that dialogue, commitment and
transparency have formed the foundations of our progress.
They will again be fundamental in the coming decade. Our
support for, and investment in, important global initiatives
such as the UN Global Compact, the UN CEO Water Mandate
and the GAPG/ICAP CEO initiatives underline our continued
commitment. But it is the local actions and investments that
mark our progress, whether it is through the 33 market
partnerships relating to responsible consumption or the
projects supported by the Heineken Africa Foundation. As
you go through this report, you will see many more of these
great examples.
Throughout this year, you will also be able to read the reports
from many of our local businesses directly. As part of our
drive for transparency, we have asked 20 of our biggest
markets to deliver a sustainability report to their local
stakeholders. Our aim over the next 10 years is to have all
our businesses publish their sustainability actions.
However, transparency also means being clear about where
we fall short. In 2009, we were dismayed by an unprecedented
12 fatal accidents, eight of them relating to road or traffic
accidents. These involved five employees, six contractors and
one third party. This is unacceptable and comes despite our
greater focus on occupational health and safety, particularly
in the Africa and Middle East Region. Our thoughts go out
to the families and friends of our colleagues and those
working alongside us. We are determined to improve
our performance and strengthen our focus in the area
of accident prevention in the coming years.
A lot has been done in the last 10 years, but there is clearly
much for us still to do. I would like to thank our employees,
customers, suppliers, governments and other stakeholders,
for their considerable efforts in helping us achieve our
objectives so far. I look forward to working with you again
in 2010 and beyond, as together we continue to drive our
sustainability agenda forward.
Jean-Frangois van Boxmeer
Chairman of the Executive Board CEO
Amsterdam, 2 April 2010
Heineken N.V. - Sustainability Report 2009