Unit information
on glasses in the UK
Review and adapt our international media campaign
Our Know the Signs campaign, launched in 2008, has been
reviewed and the adjusted campaign was launched in
November 2009. The campaign is globally accessible via
the website www.knowthesigns.com. To date, eight markets,
including Romania, USA, Canada, the Netherlands and Italy,
have also launched the revised online drive as a dedicated
part of the brand campaign. On 3 December 2009, we
submitted this revised campaign as a formal commitment
to the EU Forum on Alcohol Health.
Upgrade our online refresher course for the Rules
on Responsible Commercial Communication for all
relevant marketing and sales staff
We updated our e-learning tool, which we use in conjunction
with workshops, to continuously train all decision-making
employees within the Group's commercial communication
and marketing teams. At the end of 2009, we sent this tool to
approximately 1,200 employees in this target group. The
response rate was more than 90 per cent. Those who did not
complete the training will be approached individually so
that they understand its importance and know the content in
order to make informed creative and commercial decisions.
Promote and update the learning tool for the Rules
for Responsible Commercial Communication to ensure
that new employees learn and understand our policy
Through our intranet, we have made all our previously used
online training courses on compliance with the Rules for
Responsible Commercial Communication available to our
marketing and sales teams.
Develop workshops and ensure compliance
Overall, there is a high level of compliance with the Rules for
Responsible Commercial Communication across the Group.
Responsibility was built into the Heineken brand workshop
and we will develop a workshop module that is focused on
the responsibility in commercial communication as part of
our future approach to responsible consumption activities
(see also Appendix 1).
United Kingdom
Mark Given
Brands Director
In November 2009, Heineken UK launched a new pint glass for
Foster's, its best-selling lager, that encourages responsible
drinking by displaying alcohol unit information on the side.
The glass is specially designed to provide consumers with a
superior drinking experience.
"Our goal is to make drinkers more aware of the alcohol units
contained in one pint," explains Mark Given, Brands Director
at Heineken UK. "Every time a customer buys a pint of Foster's
in this glass they will be able to clearly see the alcohol unit
information. We hope this will educate and encourage them
to make sensible choices."
The aim is to deliver more than 1.8 million of the glasses into pubs
and clubs by March 2010, and 4 million by the end of the year.
Heineken UK plans to introduce alcohol unit information on
branded glassware for other beer and cider brands during 2010.
"We led the way in promoting responsible drinking by displaying
messages and alcohol consumption guidelines on our packaged
beer and eider ranges," adds Mark. "Now, with this new glass,
we're extending this to consumers of our draught products."
The glass intends to inform consumers on the quantity of alcohol
they are consuming while enhancing the drinking experience
by providing a pint that looks lively and creates excellent head
retention. In testing, over 80 per cent of consumers said the glass
would make Foster's a brand they would like to be seen drinking
and a beer they would recommend to friends.
eken N.V. - Sustainability Report 2009 29