Responsible consumption
Beer is part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle
and has been for thousands of years. A such, it
provides enjoyment to a vast majority of
consumers worldwide. However, a minority of
consumers do not drink responsibly and this
requires us to be active in the promotion of
responsible consumption.
Playing our part to reduce harm
Society is routinely confronted with the negative aspects of
alcohol when it is abused or misused and as one of the world's
leading brewers, we are committed to playing our part in
reducing alcohol-related harm. Wherever we can, we do so in
conjunction with industry groups, governments, NGOs, third
parties, consumer groups, police forces, legislators, retailers,
Horeca owners and community groups - all of which have
their role to play. We believe that working together to address
specific aspects and incidence of abuse is the only way to
effectively tackle the negative impact this has on society and
What we said we would do and what we delivered
Build 'responsibility' into the brand architecture
of our top to brands
Two years ago, we embedded the concept of responsibility
into the Heineken and Amstel brand architecture. Many
brands, including our top 10, have since followed this
example by introducing a responsibility message on their
primary and secondary packaging, launching dedicated
websites, including responsibility messaging in commercial
communication or by engaging in responsibility activities,
such as "drive alcohol-free" campaigns. As not all brands
have a formal architecture, responsibility can not be formally
embedded within all the brands' DNA. However, we make
sure that we monitor our brands' activities in this respect
so that the objective - clear responsibility messaging to the
consumer - is met.