Göss Brewery to
become C02 neutral
Specific thermal energy consumption
Thermal energy
In 2009 our total specific thermal energy consumption - the
amount of heat needed to produce one hectolitre of beer, soft
drinks or cider - was 89 Megajoules per hectolitre (MJ/hl).
Compared with the restated 2008 figure of 93 MJ/hl, this is
an improvement and ahead of our target of 91 MJ/hl for 2009.
To a large extent, the savings in specific thermal energy
consumption have been driven by the implementation of
successful energy-saving measures, such as the re-use of
condensate from steam plants at our production site in
Ekaterinburg (Russia) and the minimalisation of steam
losses in Tadcaster (United Kingdom), Vialonga (Portugal),
Bujumbura (Burundi) and Tangerang (Indonesia). The sites
in Madrid (Spain) and Patras (Greece) saved a significant
amount of fossil fuel through extensive optimisation of their
steam boilers.
Harald Raidl
Master Brewer
MJ/hl beer soft drink cider
2012 I
2009 I
2007 I
The performance data for 2009 (actual - target) relate to the
companies that were part of the Heineken Company in 2008
and therefore exclude acquisitions made in 2009.
The Göss Brewery in Austria has set itself an ambitious goal: to
become the first 'green' brewery in Europe. In 2008, the plant
launched a project which would change the heat supply in such
a way that no C02 emissions are released during the brewing
process. The aim is to make the brewery C02 neutral by the
end of 2010.
The technology involved in the project creates closed-cycles
of energy at the brewery, using a variety of'green'
energy sources.
"The Göss Brewery already uses innovative energy concepts,
such as biogas from brewing grains and waste water from our
treatment plant," explains Harald Raidl, Master Brewer. "With this
project, we're taking our commitment to the environment a step
further by increasing our use of these energy concepts as well
as introducing the use of new 'green' energy sources.
These sources include solar energy and 'green' fuel for the
solid matter furnace, including wood, waste labels and dried
fermentation residue. In addition, the project will involve
optimising the brewery's energy flows and reducing its overall
energy consumption.
This pioneering project is now being looked at by scientists,
who are keen to find ways to implement the innovative energy
concepts in other Austrian breweries. A set of'green' guidelines
for Heineken's other breweries is also being produced.
"The Göss Brewery is situated in a beautiful environment, so it
is very clear to us that we have a responsibility to protect the
natural world," adds Harald. "We're hoping our pioneering 'green'
brewery becomes best practice wherever feasible."
Heineken N.V. - Sustainability Report 2009 9