This section provides an overview of some of our key commitments and our performance against them. WHAT WE SAID - WHAT WE HAVE DONE WHAT WE SAID WHAT WE HAVE DONE STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE More and better structured stakeholder dialogue and reporting on the conclusions Identified key international stakeholders per focus area. Thirteen dialogue sessions held ENERGY Specific energy consumption 15 per cent lower by 2010 compared with 2002, while simultaneously reducing our C02 emissions Greater employee involvement in the energy-saving programme Realised savings of 11 per cent; on track to reach the 15 per cent target by the end of 2010 We prepared a broad employee engagement programme on energy that was launched at Head Office in January 2009 WATER Continuation of our efforts to save water and to reduce the number of breweries using more than 7hl of water per hi of beer Completion of our waste water treatment programme for our African breweries by 2012 In 2008, 80 per cent of breweries were compliant One new waste water treatment plant was commissioned and four are under construction SAFETY Review of our long-term targets for accident frequency and severity in line with our Total Productive Management (TPM) programme activities Specific attention to road traffic safety in order to reduce the number of fatalities The long-term target has been set at less than 2.0 cases/100 FTEs Developed a road safety programme; now being rolled out AGRICULTURE Strict compliance with our Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) policy Engagement of all our malt suppliers to stimulate sustainable development in their supply of barley During specific audits, all new materials were found to be in compliance with the EU standards for non-GMO Developed a tool aimed at promoting sustainable barley farming (to be piloted with our key malt suppliers in 2009) SUPPLY CHAIN RESPONSIBILITY Begin the introduction of the Supplier Code to local suppliers in our current operations in Western Europe as well as in Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and FYR Macedonia Pilot the Supplier Code in the Africa and Middle East and Asia Pacific regions Finalise the implementation of the Supplier Code by 2010 Supplier Code introduced in all Western European markets (except Ireland and Switzerland). Supplier code introduced in all Central and Eastern European markets Pilot under way in Indonesia; Agreement to pilot in Nigeria in 2009 We are ahead of schedule and working towards meeting our target RESPONSIBLE BEER CONSUMPTION Roll-out of locally adapted Enjoy Heineken Responsibly websites for our priority markets as part of an international responsibility campaign Offer continuous online training on the Rules for Responsible Commercial Communication All operating companies with Heineken participation larger than 51 per cent to be fully compliant with the Cool@Work requirements Website now live in 40 markets and 26 languages 989 key employees trained on responsible corporate communication in 2008 With the exception of Martinique, all existing companies (acquired before 2008) are compliant OUR IMPACT ON DEVELOPING MARKETS Reach full compliance with the implementation criteria of the Heineken Code of Business Conduct and the Heineken Whistle Blowing Procedure Perform at least two more Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) studies 100 per cent delivery of our Selling Beer Safely code in Cambodia With one exception, all operations in scope in 2005, have the Code of Conduct and the whistle blowing procedure in place ElAs finalised in Greece and Burundi though no new ElAs commissioned Despite considerable progress, not fully delivered on the policy that is in place HEINEKEN N.V. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2008 05

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2008 | | pagina 7