SAFETY PARAMETERS AND INDICATORS Safety reporting The safety reporting system is used by the production units to record accidents at their locations and report on the consequences for both their own staff and contractor personnel. 'Own staff includes both permanent, temporary staff and agency personnel. Overtime is included in the production workforce calculation. Group Supply Chain has defined seven parameters, which must as a minimum be reported at local level, to serve as the basis for measuring the results achieved by our breweries, maltings and soft drink plants. These results are expressed in two performance indicators. Environmental reporting The purpose of environmental reporting is to clarify the environmental effects of producing malt, beer and soft drinks at our production locations. These effects include depletion of resources, emissions and nuisance. To measure the results achieved in these areas, Group Supply Chain has defined seven key parameters for our breweries, maltings and soft drink plants. Performance is measured for four parameters in terms of production, expressed in hectolitres of beer and soft drinks or tonnes of malt, to facilitate comparison of the results. The Eco Care Indicator comprises of the following subjects: local environmental policy, environmental management system, legal compliance, violations of law, environmental fines, environmental complaints, environmental accidents, reliability of reporting. The greenhouse effect covers C02 and refrigerant emissions. The ozone layer depletion covers refrigerant losses (e.g. HCFCs), acidification covers NOx, S0X, and NH3 emissions, nutrification covers Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater after treatment, where discharged into surface water. Waste management deals with the destination of our by-products and hazardous waste. PARAMETERS Fatal accidents Fatalities, own staff and contractor personnel Accidents resulting in permanent disability Permanent disabilities, own staff Accidents resulting in absence from work Accidents, own staff and contractor personnel Days absent Absence, own staff in calendar days Workforce Expressed in Full Time Equivalents Number of complaints External complaints related to nuisance Number of external safety-related incidents Incidents related to safety and environment which had an impact outside the production unit PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Accident frequency Own staff, number of accidents resulting in absence from work per 100 full-time equivalents (FTE) Accident severity Own staff, days absence from work per 100 full-time equivalents (FTE) HEINEKEN N.V. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2008 35

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2008 | | pagina 37