What we said -
what we have done
Supply chain responsibility
This section outlines our performance against the targets and General
commitments outlined in our Sustainability Report 2006. For Better structuring of our stakeho|der
more detailed information please refer to the relevant dialogue and reporting on the
sections in this report. We also provide a summary of the conclusions,
targets and commitments as provided in this report.
What we said
What we have achieved
Our targets and commitments
Specific energy consumption 15 per cent
lower by 2010 compared with 2002, while
simultaneously reducing our C02 emission
Greater employee involvement in the
energy-saving programme.
By the end of 2007, we had achieved 9 per
cent improvement on our energy efficiency
compared with 2002. We are on track to
meet the 15 per cent target by the end of
2010. The group of production units that
made the commitment in 2002 has already
met the target three years ahead of schedule.
The emissions of C02 per hectolitre of beer
produced have gone down. However, due to
volume growth and aquisitions our total C02
emissions have increased
A pilot project was conducted in 2007,
giving us insights for a programme to be
conducted in 2008.
Specific energy consumption 15 per cent
lower by 2010 compared with 2002, while
simultaneously reducing our C02 emission
Greater employee involvement in the
energy-saving programme.
Completion of our waste water treatment
construction programme for Africa by
2012 at the latest.
We are halfway towards the completion
of our programme. In 2007 one waste
water treatment plant was commissioned
and four more projects were continued
in Africa.
Continuation of our efforts to save water
and to reduce the number of breweries
using more than 7hl of water per hi of beer
Completion of our waste water treatment
programme for our African breweries
by 2012.
Increase in our efforts to reduce an
accident frequency to a maximum of
2.0 cases per 100 Full-Time Equivalents
(FTEs) in 2008
A decrease in accident severity to 40 lost
days per 100 FTEs by the end of 2008.
Accident frequency has marginally
improved in 2007 to 2.6 cases per 100
FTEs, not meeting our target. Half of the
breweries, however, did meet the 2.0
cases per 100 FTE target
Accident severity increased to 68 lost
days per 100 FTEs, not meeting the target
for 2008.
Review of our long-term targets for
accident frequency and severity in line
with our TPM activities
Specific attention to road traffic safety in
order to reduce the number of fatalities.
Review of the 'Skylark' Sustainable Barley
Farming programme.
On the basis of the Skylark project,
a booklet will be published in 2008
containing the learnings from the
programme so far.
Strict compliance with our GMO policy
Engagement of all our malt suppliers to
stimulate sustainable development in
their supply of barley.
Achievement of 100 per cent response
from suppliers that received the Supplier
Code in 2006
Integration of supply chain responsibility
in periodic quality audits and submit 20 per
cent of central suppliers to quality audit
97 per cent of our Group suppliers have
signed the Supplier Code. No group
supplier has indicated that they did not
meet our requirements
The Supplier Code was integrated into our
audit programme for raw materials and 40
audits (covering 15.8 per cent of our total
Begin the introduction of the Supplier
Code to the local suppliers in our current
operations in Western Europe as well
as in Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and