Qualified reliability of safety and environmental data
The reliability of the data is subject to certain
qualifications, despite the fact that the safety and
environmental experts at our production units
have reported to the best of their knowledge,
in good faith and in accordance with agreed
procedures and Group Supply Chain has validated
their figures. Heineken is continuing to work
on formulating and applying uniform definitions
and instructions for reporting purposes, in order
to improve the accuracy and comparability
of the data. Standard calculation protocols for
atmospheric emissions have been developed, for
example, to minimise the error in these figures.
Standard calculation tools are also present for
refrigerant losses and waste discharge.
Differences in the interpretation of definitions
have occurred in some cases. On the basis of our
internal validation findings, we do not expect these
differences at the aggregated level to be material.
Reporting was not forthcoming or incomplete in
some cases. Often newly acquired production
units need to improve their reporting system,
especially on complaint and incident registration,
accident severity and COD measurement. In order
to provide a realistic representation of Heineken's
total environmental impact, the missing data has
been estimated in accordance with our internal
procedures for incomplete reports. Our operating
companies have estimated some data. Production
units that did not report have been listed in a
footnote and estimates were included.
The accuracy of the data depends on the method
of measurement, the calculation procedure and
whether estimates have been used. For some
parameters, the sampling method and frequency,
as for COD, can also affect the accuracy. The
quantity of refrigerant is difficult to establish
because it is used in dynamic systems in which it
can occur in both the liquid and gaseous phase.
Refrigerant losses are determined on the basis of
the quantities added to replenish systems. At a
number of production units, waste is removed
from the site in containers of a given volume,
and inaccuracies can arise in translating volume
to weight. In the absence of local legislation in
some countries outside Europe, the definition
of hazardous waste is not always clear. In some
cases, hazardous waste is safely recycled and is
no longer designated as hazardous. The scope and
workforce size related to the accident frequency
can give rise to inaccuracies in some locations due
to the misinterpretation of overtime and number
of temporary personnel.
Each parameter to be reported has accurately
been defined in the Safety Standards
Procedures and Environmental Standards
The comparability of the data depends on
the extent to which estimates have been used
in determining the performance indicators.
Where estimates have been used in interpreting
trends, it is stated in the text of this report. The
comparison of data has been carried out over
a three-year period such to limit the influence
of incidental fluctuations.
Since no material changes have been made to
definitions, calculations or estimating procedures,
there is comparability from year to year, except
when indicated in the text of this report.
Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007