Appendix 2: Reporting basis
Environmental parameters and indicators
Thermal energy consumption
Consumption of thermal energy in MJ (the
corresponding C02 emission is derived from
this figure using the WBCSD Protocol)
Electricity consumption
Consumption of electrical energy in kWh
Water consumption
Water consumption in m3
Solid waste disposal
Non-recycled waste in kg such as hazardous
waste, waste-water treatment sludge and
industrial waste
Eco Care Indicator
The composite indicator covering
34 environmental parameters such
environmental management, renewable
energy use, global warming, ozone layer
depletion, acidification, eutrophication,
nutrification and waste management
expressed in per cent of best practise
COD load of effluent
The COD of the treated or untreated waste
water leaving the production unit
and discharged to surface water in kg
Waste water treated
The number of units discharging waste-water
untreated in the environment (status of the
Waste-water Treatment Plant programme)
Specific thermal energy consumption
Thermal energy consumption per unit
produced in MJ/hl beer plus soft drinks
Specific electricity consumption
Electricity consumption per unit produced
in kWh/hl beer plus soft drinks
Specific C02 consumption
Fossil carbon dioxide emission (direct and
indirect) per unit produced in kg/hi beer plus
soft drinks derived from the thermal energy
and electricity consumption
Specific water consumption
Water consumption per unit produced in
hl/hl beer plus soft drinks
Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007