Impact on developing markets
Local economic impact
Our objectives
It is our aim that all stakeholders better
understand the economic dynamics of the way
in which we conduct our business. Better insight
into local economic impact enables stakeholders,
including local management, to take informed
decisions that are in the best interest of both the
Company and the local economy.
Our strategy
In 2006, Heineken developed a uniform
measurement tool. This tool is available for use
by all our operating companies. At conferences
and in other meetings, the use of the tool is
promoted and information is given when needed.
Activities in 2007
In September 2007, we introduced the tool during
our global Corporate Relations conference. This
resulted in three studies that were commenced in
the fall in Rwanda, Burundi and Greece. The study
for Rwanda has meanwhile been finalised (see the
case study on page 37) with the other two studies
well under way by the year-end.
What we will do in 2008
In 2008, we will conclude the studies for Burundi
and Greece. We will further stimulate the use
of the EIA by our operating companies and have
set a target for at least two more studies to be
concluded in the course of 2008.
Millennium Development Goals
In our previous report we paid attention to our
participation in the development of a methodology
to measure the private sectors contribution to the
Millennium Development Goals. In 2007, we shared
our experiences with the organisations involved in
setting up such a methodology. As we believe our
Economic Impact Assessment methodology had
too much overlap with the methodology that
was suggested by the researchers, Heineken
decided not to participate in a pilot study.
Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007