'Our local subsidiary Bralirwa contributes up
to 15 per cent of the domestic revenues to the
government. We are a role model company in
Rwanda in many respects."
What we will do in 2008
Implement the Heineken Code of Business
Conduct and the Heineken Whistle-Blowing
Procedure in those markets that have not yet
done so
Newly acquired companies will be aided by
the Heineken Group in adopting the necessary
internal rules
The roll-out of the revised Heineken Whistle-
Blowing Procedure will be started and we will
further communicate the procedure and
contact details for the local Trusted
Representatives and our international hotline
Local trusted Representatives will be trained
in the privacy aspects of whistle-blowing
We will develop better training tools for
operating companies allowing them to train
employees in risk functions in the provisions
of the Code of Business Conduct
Group Internal Audit will continue its efforts
in measuring effectiveness of our approach
to business ethics
A pilot of our revised climate survey in three
markets will take place in order to assess
whether the inclusion of ethical culture-related
questions enhances our insights and allows the
operations in the development of so-called soft "aJ! uc"c";-3 IUI uuu'L"* iiic ,i,c
Door Plantenga
General Manager
Bralirwa, Rwanda
Measuring local economic impact in Rwanda
r T problem with countries like Rwanda is that there is only a small, formal,
controls to business ethics. private sector that pays taxes to the government so it can invest in the
development of the country. This means that with €32.9 million paid in
local taxes in 2006 the tax burden is high. There is constant pressure
on the level of the taxes. Broadening of the local tax basis is necessary
for a sustainable national economy."
On the basis of the Economic Impact Assessment, a number of
scenarios have been developed that could enlarge the positive
economic impact of Bralirwa. These scenarios are now subject to
further feasibility studies.
Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007
The first operating company to use the methodology developed
by Heineken in a pilot in Sierra Leone in 2006 was Brasserie et
Limonaderie de Rwanda (Bralirwa) SA. The main reason for this study
to be executed was local management's desire to obtain a better
insight into the elements that construct the local economic impact of
the company. A secondary reason was to be able to create a better
understanding amongst local external stakeholders about the
company's dynamics.
"The study clearly shows that there is much more to say about our
company than you would get out of our profit and loss statement
and the balance sheet. As important part of the value chain, Bralirwa
generates an income for thousands of Rwandans," says Door
Plantenga, General Manager of Bralirwa SA. The study shows that the
way in which Heineken operates - brewing locally for the local market
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