Impact on developing markets
What we said
Access to Health Care 31
Corporate citizenship 34
Employee rights 35
Business ethics 35
Local economic impact 38
Millennium development goals 38
on responsibility of the private sector
in resource poor settings
Initiate independent monitoring of the
Selling Beer Safely programme aimed
at beer promoters in Cambodia
Encourage HIV/AIDS testing of beer
promoters in Cambodia and facilitate free
treatment to those promoters who are in
need of it
Roll-out of the Community Involvement
Database aimed to improve the impact of
operating company spend on community
involvement initiatives
Execution and evaluation of Employee
Rights pilot project and finalisation of the
preparatory phase
Execution of at least one more Economic
Impact Assessment (EIA) within Heineken
Participation in the UN Millennium
Development Goals (MDG) project from
NCDO and DSR to measure the contribution
of private sector companies to the
realisation of the MDGs.
Heineken operates in a wide range of markets.
One of our challenges is to run our business in
compliance to our own Values and Business
Principles and in accordance with what can be
expected from a reputable company. It is often
a belief that in developing markets, international
companies do not get the balance right between
taking and giving benefit. Increasingly, as we and
others develop and implement tools which better
allow us to assess this, we are finding out the facts
so that we can take action if we see that the
balance is not right.
The information in this chapter relates to operating
companies where Heineken holds a majority share
and has management control, unless it is clear
from the context that it only relates to the specific
companies mentioned in the relevant paragraph.
The information in the paragraph 'Access to
Health Care' mainly relates to our activities in Sub-
Saharan Africa.
Access to Health Care
Our objectives
Heineken believes it is important that our
employees are in good health and safe when
performing their duties. We therefore endeavour
to prevent work-related illnesses and injuries, such
as damage to the back caused by wrongly lifting
loads or hearing impairment caused by protracted
exposure to noise. We also aim to safeguard access
to adequate basic health care. The consequence is
that in countries where the government or private
parties do not provide health care of a certain basic
quality, we see a role in providing it ourselves to
our employees and their direct dependents. Finally,
it means that we want to ensure a safe working
environment, for all those we employ either directly
or indirectly, for example, the Beer Promoters (BPs).
Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007