Supply chain responsibility Our objectives Simply put, we want to ensure the sustainability of our business and our business model. Our ultimate objective is therefore to reflect our own sustainable ambitions throughout our entire supply chain via companies that act in accordance with our own business principles. In our 2006 Sustainability Report, we set the following targets based on this objective: Achieve a 100 per cent response rate from all suppliers that were contacted by Group Purchasing in 2006 Integrate supply chain responsibility in the periodic quality audits and subject at least 20 per cent of Group suppliers to a quality audit Further integrate supply chain responsibility in the supplier assessment process Start the expansion of the Supplier Code to local contracts for raw material, packaging, promotional materials and investment goods from operating companies in our regions of Western Europe, Central Eastern Europe and Africa Middle East (to be completed in 2008) Define a process for integrating the Supplier Code in goods and services other than those mentioned above (for example, utilities, advertising, maintenance and repair work). Our strategy We have adopted a gradual introduction of the Supplier Code in order to provide clarity to our Suppliers and the opportunity to become compliant where this is necessary. We adopted the Supplier Code at the end of 2005, beginning with central implementation in Group Supply Chain for those purchases made centrally on behalf of the Group. The Code is now in the process of being rolled out within our Operating Companies. Ultimately, we believe that all activities related to the Supplier Code should be integrated into the supplier selection, appointment and audit processes. In our approach we aim to include the Supplier Code in all contracts with suppliers that require a preferred supplier status and all other major contracts. At a local market level, a risk analysis of locally purchased goods is undertaken and, on the basis of this, the Supplier Code is implemented with appropriate actions and discussions with suppliers where relevant. Activities in 2007 In order to support the local introduction and roll out of the Supplier Code, we organised a series of workshops regarding responsible purchasing for all purchasers in Austria, Greece and Poland. Based on these workshops, the local purchasing departments started to roll out the Supplier Code to all relevant local suppliers of goods and services. We adapted our audit checklists to include the Supplier Code for raw material suppliers and started the process of adjusting the checklist for packaging suppliers as well. If any supplier fails to comply with our standards, they will not be approved and will lose the approved supplier status. Performance in 2007 By the end of 2007, 74.4 per cent of our worldwide spend on raw materials and packaging had been covered by the Supplier Code. This figure represents the value of goods that were purchased on a central level. Over time, as the implementation process continues and local buying activities are aligned with the requirements of the Supplier Code, this figure will rise. For goods other than raw materials and packaging we do not at present have data that are sufficiently reliable for publication. We will continue to work on data reliability and will publish figures on this over time. Ninety-seven per cent of Group suppliers have responded that they meet our requirements. This figure is not the desired 100 per cent for two reasons. First, when we acquire new breweries, we automatically inherit existing purchasing agreements. It takes some time to finalise the procedures that are in place to grant these new suppliers a preferred supplier status. Secondly, a small number of suppliers for legal reasons have indicated that they cannot issue a formal compliance statement. Flowever, no single supplier has indicated that it fails to meet our requirements. The 40 audits (representing 15.8 per cent of the Group supplier base) that we performed among Group suppliers in 2007, confirmed this statement. What we will do in 2008 Begin the introduction of the Supplier Code to the local suppliers in our current operations in Western Europe (to be completed in 2009) Roll out to the local suppliers in Flungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Macedonia Run a pilot in the Africa Middle East and the Asia Pacific regions Continue our regular supplier audits with inclusion of the requirements of the Supplier Code, auditing at least 20 per cent of our suppliers base on an annual basis. Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2007 | | pagina 26