Supply chain responsibility Secure What we said 23 Our objectives Our strategy Activities in 2007 Performance in 2007 What we will do in 2008 24 24 24 24 24 response from Group suppliers Heineken relies on its suppliers to be able to brew and sell our beer and soft drink brands. We take great care in the selection of our suppliers as we aim to build long-term relationships with them. We need to be certain that they can deliver the right quality and quantity of goods and services at a price that allows both parties to run a profitable business. In 2007, we began the global roll-out of our Supplier Code, requiring our suppliers to act with integrity, treat their employees fairly and aim for continuous reduction of their environmental footprint. The information included in this section has been compiled on the basis of data and background information available within Group Purchasing. Unless indicated, it excludes activities by our operating companies. Data on the activities and performance of our operating companies with respect to supply chain responsibility can be found in the 2007 Sustainability Data Sheet on our corporate website. The text of our Supplier Code can also be found there. Achievement of 100 per cent response from suppliers that received the Supplier Code in 2006 Integration of supply chain responsibility in periodic quality audits and submit 20 per cent of central suppliers to quality audit Integration of supply chain responsibility in supplier rating system Expansion of the Supplier Code to local contracts for raw materials, packaging and promotional materials and investment goods to Western Europe, Central Eastern Europe and Africa Middle East (to be completed in 2008) Development of approach for Supply Chain Responsibility to goods other than those currently covered. Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2007 | | pagina 25