Water specific water consumption What we said 12 Our objectives Our strategy Activities in 2007 Performance in 2007 What we will do in 2008 12 13 13 14 14 of beer by 2010 Heineken needs water to brew and pack beer. We use water from a variety of sources: municipal grid, well water and surface water. Due to changing climate patterns, pollution, increasing populations and competition from other sectors, fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce in some parts of the world. To secure our future operations, both water availability and quality are of the utmost importance to our company. However, we also release water once it has been used in the brewing process. This water requires treatment in order to minimise any possible environmental impact. Thus, managing, treating and reducing consumption of this most valuable of the Earth's resources is a high priority. The data in this section relate to breweries and soft drink plants over which Heineken has technical control. The data though exclude our facilities in Bad Brambach, Chemnitz, Karlsruhe, Rosenheim and Wiirzburg (Brau Holding International, Germany) and our soft drink plant in Gastein (Austria, in 2007) that did not submit a report. Collectively, these facilities represent less than 1 per cent of the total group volume. Data from our maltings units can be found in Appendix 3. Our objectives We aim to continuously decrease the amount of water we need to brew our beers and to limit any potential negative environmental effects of the discharge of waste water. To achieve our objectives, we have set the following targets: All breweries to use a maximum 7 hi of water for every hectolitre of beer brewed By the end of 2010, the average water consumption should be below 4.6 hi for every hectolitre of beer brewed By 2012 complete the installation of the 16 waste-water treatment plants in the region Africa Middle East. Completion of our waste water treatment construction programme for Africa by 2012 at the latest. 46w Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2007 | | pagina 14