Our targets and commitments
for 2007 and beyond
Specific energy consumption 15 percent lower by 2010 compared with 2002, while simultaneously reducing our C02 emission.
Greater employee involvement in the energy saving programme.
Completion of our waste-water treatment construction programme by 2012 at the latest.
Increase in our efforts to achieve an accident frequency of a maximum 2.0 cases per 100 FTEs in 2008.
A decrease in accident severity to 40 lost days per 100 FTEs by the end of 2008.
Review of the 'Skylark' Sustainable Barley Farming programme.
Supply chain responsibility
Achievement of 100 percent response from suppliers that received the Supplier Code in 2006.
Integration of supply chain responsibility in periodic quality audits and submit 20 percent of central suppliers to quality audit.
Integration of supply chain responsibility in supplier rating system.
Expansion of the Supplier Code to local contracts for raw materials, packaging and promotional materials and investment
goods to Western Europe, Central Eastern Europe and Africa Middle East (to be completed in 2008).
Development of approach for supply chain responsibility to goods other than those currently covered.
Responsible beer consumption
Full compliance with our Cool@Work programme by all operating companies that were part of our consolidation in 2004
and adequate progress in operating companies that were acquired after 2004.
Further improvement, renewal and implementation of our electronic learning tool for responsible commercial communication.
Relaunch of the Enjoy Heineken Responsibly website with a more engaging visual design aimed at attracting more visitors
to the valuable information on responsible beer consumption.
Make our commitment to responsible consumption more concrete and visible than before.
Continue our outreach to governments on the (joint) promotion of responsible beer consumption.
Impact on developing markets
Initiate independent monitoring of the Selling Beer Safely programme aimed at beer promoters in Cambodia and encourage
HIV/AIDS testing of beer promoters; facilitate free treatment to those promoters who are in need of it.
Roll out the Community Involvement Database aimed at improving the impact of operating company spent on community
involvement initiatives.
Execution and evaluation of Employee Rights pilot project and finalisation of the preparatory phase.
Execution of at least one more Economic Impact Assessment within Heineken.
Participation in the Millennium Development Goals project by the Dutch National Committee for International Cooperation
and Sustainable Development (NCDO) and Dutch Sustainability Research (DSR) to measure the contribution of private sector
companies towards the realisation of the MDGs.
Heineken N.V.
V/^rSustainability Report 2006