Our performance
By 2006, we achieved a 6 percent reduction, a rate slowed down due to the effect of acquisition of companies with a
high energy consumption. We expect to compensate for this in the coming years, so that we will achieve our target.
Good progress has been made by starting the construction of the waste-water treatment plant in Lagos (Nigeria)
commissioned in 2007. Further projects were launched for Bujumbura (Burundi), Kigali (Rwanda), Kinshasa and Boma
(Democratic Republic of Congo) and Brazzaville (Congo). We expect to meet our target.
We have maintained our performance in this area.
Target achieved. Performance monitoring as part of the World Class Manufacturing programme has been established,
including the safety and environmental KPIs.
The new Rules on Responsible Commercial Communication have been revised in the autumn of 2006.
The message 'Enjoy Heineken Responsibly' has been introduced in all markets, except those with legal constraints.
Lessons learned in Cambodia have subsequently been used in other operating companies facing similar issues.
The safety pillar (part of the Total Productive Management programme) will be started in several breweries in Europe
(e.g. in France, Greece and Spain). Based on the latest estimates, the target seems achievable.
Improvements are expected in parallel with our increased efforts relating to accident frequency. Based on the latest
estimates, the target seems achievable.
The indicators have been developed and where possible were used for the first time in this report.
The Supplier Code has been sent to all Group suppliers. To date 83 percent have indicated that they are in compliance.
Training of purchasers took place in November 2006.
Heineken has decided to use the Human Rights Compliance Assessment Quick Check for this purpose and a vision
document has been drafted. Testing has not yet taken place.
A methodology was developed and successfully tested in Sierra Leone. External presentation took place on
23 November 2006.
Apart from continuation of present initiatives (mainly in raw material growing in Nigeria, Rwanda and Sierra Leone),
no further steps were taken.
Heineken participated in a project from NCDO aimed at measuring and disclosing companies' contributions to the
realisation of the MDGs. The results were presented on 16 November 2006. The methodology will be further refined.
Target achieved. Programmes have been executed in the three markets mentioned.
Heineken N.V.
Sustainability Report 2006 VsO