A screening inventory on hearing impairment carried out in Nigeria during 2006 demonstrated that emphasis needs to be paid to noise awareness and abatement programmes. This challenge has consequently been included in the 2007 Annual Health Plan for Nigerian Breweries. During the year, a health 'road map' advising Heineken Operating Companies how to manage a health and business crisis resulting from a possible Avian Influenza pandemic was compiled, discussed and distributed to the regions. Throughout 2006, our HIV/AIDS policy was sustained and strengthened in partnership with the Pharmaccess Foundation. Our cooperation with this NGO guarantees the quality of treatment programmes offered and helps us to engage the support of HIV/AIDS experts. Fortnightly telephone conferences and patient monitoring via an encrypted confidential database ensure quality control and thorough follow-ups. During 2006, we reported on our activities to institutions that included the Global Business Coalition and issued progress reports in medical journals and during the World Aids conference in Toronto, Canada. At present, 9,888 Heineken employees and dependants in developing countries have been voluntarily tested for HIV/AIDS, with 365 testing seropositive. Of these, 230 are currently receiving HIV therapy, while the remaining 135 are not yet in a phase of the disease during which treatment would improve their well-being. Tuberculosis, specifically the multi-drug resistant type of the disease, has been recognised as a worldwide health threat to our employees. Our medical services try to identify cases as early as possible and actively encourage all those affected to take the relevant action for as long as is necessary to ensure a complete cure if possible. Joint efforts with external agencies, including multinationals, are also necessary to combat this disease effectively and one of our Group Medical Advisers is participating as a member of the Fight against TB board. Our medical professionals have been trained in the latest developments in the treatment of malaria, including the use of long-lasting bed nets impregnated with an insecticide. These are handed out to our employees and their dependants. In Africa, every one of our breweries has made a particular effort to ensure these bed nets are readily available to all employees and family members. In addition to the issues discussed above, our clinics offer both antenatal treatment and special clinics for children under the age of five. These are open to employees and their families. All services aimed to improve women's health are provided free of charge, while our approach stresses the need to work with other institutions because we believe this produces better health standards at local country level. Our doctors in Africa and Asia report to Group Health Affairs on a quarterly basis; this ensures they receive the Heineken N.V. Q Q Sustainability Report 2006 O O

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2006 | | pagina 35