Impact on developing markets
It is not by coincidence that people
come first in the motto 'people,
planet, profit'. Without people we
would be unable to brew and sell the
world's best beers. It makes good
business sense to continuously
invest in our human capital.
Frans van der Minne
Group Fluman Resources Director
32 Access to healthcare
34 Corporate citizenship
35 Employee rights
36 Local economic impact
38 Millennium Development Goals
Heineken brews beer in 65 countries. Although
our stronghold is in Europe, we operate breweries
in many emerging markets, each with their own
unique challenges. This chapter contains
information about the social and economic
aspects of our operations in these markets. The
information it contains comes from management
and reporting systems that we maintain at Group
level for operating companies in which we hold a
50 percent majority share or more and companies
in which we have management control.
Access to healthcare
We believe that all our employees should have
access to decent basic medical care. In more
mature markets we have allowances for access
to the national healthcare system or have
agreements with health care providers, but there
are also countries where we believe the only (best
or most cost-effective) way we can guarantee
care on a level that we deem adequate is to
provide it ourselves. In 2006, we operated our
own clinics in 15 different locations in Sub-
Saharan Africa as well as 4 in South East Asia
employing over 100 doctors and nurses, providing
access to adequate basic healthcare for
approximately 30,000 beneficiaries consisting
of employees and their dependants.
As illustrated above, our own medical activities,
undertaken by Group International Flealth Affairs,
are focused primarily on developing markets and
are therefore often related to some of the same
issues as the Millennium Development Goals.
In addition to these aspects of its activities,
Flealth Affairs also works to improve the
behaviour of employees with regard to Health
and Safety, most often in co-operation with Group
Supply Chain (GSC). GSC focuses its efforts mainly
on the short-term safety effects; Health Affairs is
also concerned with longer-term effects, such as
work-related illnesses.
Heineken N.V.
Sustajnability Report 2006