Our specific electricity consumption has decreased
from 9.91 kWh per hectolitre in 2004 to 9.46 kWh
per hectolitre in 2006. This total is just above the
target for 2006 of 9.07 kWh per hectolitre. The
actual saving is equal to 54 percent of the
targeted reduction.
The economy of scale also had a positive
impact. In addition, the new brewhouses
in's Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, and
St. Petersburg, Russia, consumed less energy.
Last but not least, breweries carried out energy
improvement programmes, such as optimisation
of boilers, ventilation systems and the aeration
efficiency of waste-water treatment plants, as
for example in Warka, Poland.
Indirect C02 emissions (emissions caused by our
energy suppliers) have increased from 3.30 kg
C02 per hectolitre in 2004 to 4.21 kg C02 per
hectolitre in 2006, mainly due to the change of
the reporting basis: purchased steam has been
included in the indirect emissions reporting.
Ozone-layer depleting substances
Emissions of ozone-layer depleting substances
to air are registered and expressed as kg of Rll
equivalents. More information about the losses
of refrigerants and the realised improvements
can be found on our website:
Specific electricity consumption: breweries and soft drink plants
kWh/hl beer and soft drink
2009 8.43
2008 8.62
2007 9.26
2006 9.46
2005 9.59
2004 9.91
Heineken N.V.
Sustainability Report 2006 XX