Climate strategy
The climate strategy of any company can focus on
two approaches: the use of energy resources that
have lower C02 emissions (such as biomass and
wind energy) or improvement in the consumption
efficiency of their operations. Although we try to
combine both areas, in many cases we are not
in a position to choose the kind of energy we
would like to use.
Our own climate strategy focuses on achieving
those two main objectives: reducing carbon dioxide
emissions and reducing the use and emission of
ozone-depleting substances. Improvement of our
energy efficiency is, however, the cornerstone of
our climate strategy.
We are committed to reduce fuel and electricity
use through our Aware of Energy programme
and, consequently, to reduce our C02 emissions.
Our target is a 15 percent saving between 2002
and 2010; to date we have achieved a saving
of 6 percent. Despite a slowing in the rate of
improvement due to the acquisition of breweries
with a high-energy consumption, we believe we
are on track to achieve our target in 2010.
The share of renewable thermal energy used has
increased. This share mainly consists of biogas
from anaerobic waste-water treatment, and to a
lesser extent from combustion of brewers' spent
grains at two sites. The renewable electricity used
in our breweries was mainly derived from external
Our total carbon dioxide emissions have increased
slightly from 1,232 ktons in 2004 to 1,510 ktons
in 2006. This reported increase results from
acquisitions in emerging markets. Our performance
in C02 emissions from breweries and soft drink
plants has remained stable at 10.9 kg per
hectolitre compared with 2004.
Heineken N.V. rtQ
Sustainability Report 2006
Direct and indirect C02 emissions: breweries and soft drink plants
kg C02/hl beer and soft drink
2009 9.59
2008 9.91
2007 10.6
2006 io.9
2005 11.2
2004 10.9