Dietmar Roher Brau Union Austria is one of the few large companies in Austria and the country's only brewer with a thorough environmental reporting system. The company does far more than required by law, partly to show the outside world that it cares about the environment and is taking action to preserve it. BRAU UNION AUSTRIA'S TRANSPARENCY EARNS RESPECT INSIDE AND OUTS IDE THE COM PA NY 'Everybody knows that breweries need a lot of water, electricity and fossil fuels to make beer,' says Dietmar Roher, who is responsible for Brau Union's environmental reporting and helps coordinate environmental projects. 'We want people to know that we're working to reduce our consumption.' The statutory environmental reporting requirements are limited to local waste management reports, which each brewery has to publish yearly. Brau Union Austria goes further and publishes an annual exter nal report, accessible through the internet, which reviews the company's environmental achievements and objectives. To build the employee support which it considers essential to improve the company's environmental performance, Brau Union Austria also publishes a report for internal consumption. This 100-page document presents the facts and figures and compares the standards achieved by the different breweries. It provides an insight into what's happening elsewhere in the company and, by highlighting the differences, encourages employees to raise environmental perform ance within their own breweries. 'The report serves as a benchmark, in the sense that every brewery has to try to reach the standard of the best', Dietmar Roher explains. 'Employees can help to improve performance if they know the facts.' Their efforts are duly rewarded. The com pany awards two 'Environmental Oscars' each year, one to the brewery achieving the most outstanding environmental perform ance and one to the brewery making the biggest improvement. A points system is used to determine which is the winner, fostering competition between the breweries. 'No local manager wants to be last on the list,' says Dietmar Roher. An award is also given in recognition of individual efforts to improve the company's performance. Last year, it went to the local manager of the brewery in Schwechat for setting up what Dietmar Roher calls a 'perfect environmental organisation.' 'He gave the departments and the people concerned the information they needed, he held meetings and he's really good at motivating employees to do things better,' says Dietmar Roher. Since Brau Union Austria introduced its environmental reporting system in 1990, it has had a lot of positive responses from both individuals and organisations and the system is often cited, in universities and elsewhere, as a good example of transparency. Performance of Heineken world-wide 36% of Heineken operating companies received a national award for social, ethical or environmental performance.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2002 | | pagina 89