Towards sustainability As an organisation representing many nation alities and cultures, Heineken has a place at the centre of the communities in which we operate and our performance depends directly on the continuity of those communi ties. At Heineken, we therefore make every effort to ensure that our current activities preserve the freedom of choice of other members of our communities, now and in the future. Our policy is consistent with the definition of'sustainability' as first formu lated in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development, better known as the 'Brundtland Committee'. The three core values mentioned in our company profile - respect, enjoyment and a passion for quality-are important elements in both our current activities and our pro grammes relating to economic, environmen tal and social sustainability, three dimensions that are strategically important for Heineken. Our programmes are based on the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises developed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Transparent internal and external dialogue yields valuable management information and will ultimately result in more sustainable operation, an even stronger corporate reputation and positive brand associations. Heineken's core values are enshrined in the nature and culture of our company and continue to motivate our social activities and our policy on corporate social responsibility. Until the mid-1990s, it was left almost entirely to our local operating companies to interpret these values in their own way. On the basis of a review of current policy, the experience of other multinational enterprises and the positions taken by governmental and non governmental organisations, Heineken has since formulated values and principles which govern our company's activities and conduct around the world. The Executive Board has reiterated that these values and principles are an integral part of our corporate strategy. Striving for sustainability is an integral element in our learning organisation and requires a joint effort. It depends on trans parent communication with the various target groups: not only ourselves as employ ees, but also our customers, shareholders, non-governmental organisations, the inter national media and other interested parties. This casebook, which is intended primarily for internal use, is an expression of that policy. The featured cases are examples of our activities in the area of sustainability at local level. They clearly demonstrate our commit ment to further advancing the sustainability of our operations, thereby contributing to our company's success. If you would like to know more, you can view the full sustainability report intended for our external audience on our website: 9

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2002 | | pagina 87