REPORTING BASIS as a minimum be reported at local level, to serve as the basis for measuring the results achieved by our breweries, maltings and soft-drink plants. These results are expressed in two performance indicators. Environmental reporting The purpose of environmental reporting is to clarify the environmental effects of producing malt, beer and soft drinks at our production locations. These effects include depletion of resources, atmospheric emis sions, discharge of treated and untreated waste water, waste disposal and nuisance. To measure the results achieved in these areas, Corporate Production has defined a number of parameters for our brew eries, maltings and soft-drink plants. Performance is measured in terms of production, expressed in hec tolitres of beer or soft drinks or tonnes of malt, to facilitate comparison of the results. Important parameters relating to climate change are the contribution to the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer. The contribution to the greenhouse effect is expressed as the quantity of C02 emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels. The contri bution made by refrigerant leakage is expressed in C02 equivalent. The contribution to depletion of the ozone layer made by leakage of refrigerants was determined for the first time in 2003. The WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol was used to calculate indirect C02 emissions due to electricity generation from fossil fuels. Only hazardous waste which is not recycled, i.e. the waste which is incinerated or taken to landfill, is reported. The primary sludge from waste-water treatment plants is now reported as part of non-recycled industrial waste. Qualified reliability of safety and environmental data The reliability of the data is subject to certain qualifi cations, despite the fact that the safety and environ mental experts at our production units have reported to the best of their knowledge, in good faith and in accordance with agreed procedures and their figures have been validated by the Heineken Technical Services unit. Heineken is continuing to work on formulating and applying uniform definitions and instructions for reporting purposes, in order to im prove the accuracy and comparability of the data. Standard calculation protocols for atmospheric emissions have been developed, for example, to minimise the error in these figures. Definitions Differences in the interpretation of definitions have occurred in some cases. On the basis of our internal validation findings, we do not expect these differ ences at the aggregated level to be greater than ±10 per cent. Completeness Reporting was not forthcoming or incomplete in some cases. In order to provide a realistic represen tation of Heineken's total environmental impact, the missing data have been estimated in accordance with our internal procedures. Some data have been esti mated by our operating companies. Accuracy The accuracy of the data depends on the method of measurement, the calculation procedure and whether estimates have been used. Environmental performance parameters Water Waste-water quality Energy consumption Atmospheric emissions Solid waste Nuisance Water consumption and waste-water discharge volume Concentration of organic matter, solids in suspension, nitrogen and phosphorus in waste water after treatment, where discharged into surface water Consumption of electrical and thermal energy Emissions of C02, NOx, SOx, refrigerants (HCFCs, NH3) in use and lost and halons in use and lost Non-recycled waste such as hazardous waste, waste-water treatment sludge and industrial waste Number of complaints TOWARDS SUS TA INABILITY 55

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2002 | | pagina 57