O VERIFICATION BY KPMG SUSTAI N ABILITY ANNEX A Verifiers' assignment We asked KPMG Sustainability to assess our 2002- 2003 Sustainability Report. KPMG Sustainability was responsible for defining, planning and executing the activities described further down in this report. Having broadened the scope of the verification compared with that for our 2000-2001 Safety, Health and Environment Report, we asked KPMG to provide a moderate level of assurance on the entire report, covering both the text and the reported data. With regard to the reliability of the data, we asked KPMG to focus on the key performance indicators (KPIs) for energy, water and waste, thus providing a good basis for reporting on other related indicators, such as C02, NOx and SOx emissions and waste-water disposal. We asked KPMG to perform the same checks on our safety data (accident frequency and severity) and, on that basis, to recommend ways of improving the quality of our reporting systems and the reliability of the data generated by them. We intend to have the reliability of all KPIs assessed independently in the future. We did not ask KPMG to provide assurance as to the reliability of performance indicators for social and ethical issues, because these indicators are still under development. Instead, we asked KPMG to assess whether the information provided by our operating companies on social and ethical issues was sufficient ly substantiated for us to aggregate it and draw conclusions from it. The assurance process has helped us to improve the quality of internal data acquisition over the years. Compared with our previous report, we have further improved the accuracy of the reported data by per forming on-site audits. Sixteen such audits were carried out in 2002 and 2003. We shall investigate with KPMG how these audits can best contribute, as part of the validation and verification process, to our endeavour to ensure that the information submitted by our production units is complete and correct. As well as providing external stakeholders with independent assurance regarding the information presented in our published reports, the assurance process also plays an important internal role in help ing to develop our sustainability policies, procedures and systems and in raising awareness of these issues. We are currently in the process of elaborating our sustainability strategy, a process for which essential information is being obtained through our worldwide survey of the social aspects of sustainability. To help us refine this survey and the related reporting tools, we requested KPMG to ask additional questions and perform additional investigations, not falling within the direct scope of the verification engagement, while conducting interviews at central and local level. B Verification report by KPMG Sustainability Introduction We were engaged by Heineken N.V. ('Heineken') to review its 2002-2003 Sustainability Report (the 'report'). The report is the responsibility of the com pany's management. Our responsibility is to express our conclusions on the report on the basis of our review. Scope The report discusses Heineken's activities and progress in relation to sustainability in 2002 and 2003. The purpose of our assignment, the scope of which is defined in the section headed 'Verifiers' assignment' on this page, is to provide the reader of the report with a moderate level of assurance as to whether: the 2002 and 2003 data for total heat and electricity consumption, direct C02 emissions, total water consumption and total non-recycled waste are reliable; the information in the report is supported by relevant underlying documentation and is consistent with our knowledge and understanding of Heineken's activi ties and progress in relation to sustainability over the reporting period. Basis of our work Since there are no generally accepted international standards for reviewing information on environmen tal or social performance, we adopt an approach which reflects emerging best practice and is based on the relevant principles of the International Framework for Assurance Engagements as issued by the International Federation of Accountants. HEINEKEN N.V. SUS TA INABILITY REPORT 2002-2 003 52

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2002 | | pagina 54