SOCIAL SUSTA INABILITY in 2004 and 2005, focusing on specific themes. The company actively seeks dialogue with other groups of employees, for example through various presenta tions given during training programmes, international departmental conferences and the publication of our internal brochure entitled 'Heineken: an integral part of society*. Our performance in the area of corporate social responsibility is regularly discussed with external stakeholders, at both local and central level. These include Amnesty International, FTSE4Good, inter national development organisations, the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development and various financial institutions which attach particular value to sustainability. Heineken N.V. or other Heineken companies are also key members of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry Employers (VNO-NCW), the General Employers' Federation (Algemeen Werkgeversverbond), the Confederation of the EU Food Drink Industries (CIAA), Brewers of Europe, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the International Center for Alcohol Policies, The Amsterdam Group, the Amnesty International-VNO-NCW Round Table and the Association for the Sustainable Use and Recovery of Resources in Europe (ASSURRE). Heineken also engages in dialogue with sharehold ers, faculty or students at academic institutions and other interested parties who, for example, make contact via the Heineken website. These discussions often produce new insights and viewpoints which we Operation teenproof Heineken USA joins forces with Jeanine Pirro in combating underage drinking use to refine policy and continuously improve report ing on our results. In parallel with this more central dialogue with stakeholders, Heineken's operating companies are constantly engaged at local level in dialogue with their communities. They are in contact with local authorities on such matters as permits, taxation and working conditions and with the local community on issues such as nuisance, transport, infrastructure and environmental protection. 68 per cent of the Heineken operating companies engage in dialogue with non-governmental organisa tions. At 43 per cent of the operating companies, this has led to practical projects which they are imple menting in cooperation with these organisations. Progress with our policy of encouraging this dialogue at local level is being held back by the shortage of well-organised and bona-fide non-governmental organisations in many countries. 4.4 Alcohol Most people enjoy alcoholic beverages sensibly, as one of the pleasures of life, and Heineken takes the view that drinking beer - provided it is done responsibly - is consistent with a positive lifestyle. A small minority abuse alcohol, drinking at the wrong time, at the wrong place or to excess, which can lead to a whole range of problems. Heineken initiates and supports projects to combat alcohol abuse and imposes its own internal rules on its marketing com munication, to prevent its advertising messages from encouraging alcohol abuse. A differentiated approach *r JAMIE LUCAS In the continuing fight against under age drinking in the US, Heineken USA joined forces with District Attorney Jeanine Pirro of Westchester County, New York, in a joint project to distribute 2,500 security laminate verifiers to alcohol retailers and police depart ments which enable them to detect fake IDs. Heineken USA received an award and District Attorney Pirro was given a commendation for their efforts in addressing this problem. In the past, the view generally taken by healthcare organisations and public authorities was that alcohol abuse could be reduced by reducing total alcohol consumption. Efforts were made to achieve this through price and restrictions on sales and advertis ing. In recent years, greater scope has been created for a differentiated approach, in which the distinction between responsible and irresponsible alcohol con sumption forms the basis for effective measures and effective cooperation between industry, government and healthcare organisations. In many cases, this HEINEKEN N.V. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2002-2003 40

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2002 | | pagina 42