THE HEINEKEN COMPANY In consultation with employees and, in many cases, external stakeholders, the Values and Principles were defined in greater detail by the local management teams in 2002 and 2003. The outcome of this dia logue will be used in 2004 and 2005 to tailor the Values and Principles to local needs and translate them into procedures and activities which are consis tent with local wishes, regulations and cultures. The Heineken Values and Principles are actively applied by the operating companies. They have been communicated internally within 74 per cent of the operating companies and 40 per cent of the operat ing companies have developed tools based on them. Over half of the operating companies provide advice for their employees on how the Values and Principles should be applied and interpreted in practical day-to- day situations. 1.5 Dialogue with stakeholders Good external dialogue with stakeholders in the communities in which we are active is essential to sustainable operation. Heineken will actively seek such dialogue and will be honest, accessible and transparent in its approach. Though Heineken may not always agree with them, we consider it important that we understand and respect the views of stake holders. We will investigate whether and in what way the company can accommodate the wishes of stake holders, but will not raise expectations which we are unable to fulfil. Heineken's aim is to bring pleasure to its customers and consumers. Heineken markets and distributes its products responsibly. It acts in good faith in seeking to persuade consumers to choose its products and will not specifically target vulnerable groups. Heineken is committed to providing full information on the advantages and disadvantages of its products, to enable consumers to make an informed choice. Heineken is honest in its dealings with employees, customers, consumers, public authorities, financial institutions and other interested parties. All information supplied by Heineken is accurate and transparent. Employees Heineken seeks to make a positive contribution to the well-being of its employeesHeineken strives constantly to improve health and safety within its facilities. Heineken operates a healthcare policy which gives employees and their families access to medical services. Evaluation In 2003, having been commissioned by Heineken to evaluate the way in which Heineken conducted its dialogue with stakeholders and make recommenda tions for improvement, Nyenrode University conduct ed interviews with a number of Heineken employees and representatives of interest groupings involved with Heineken. Nyenrode found Heineken's dialogue with stakeholders at group level to be proactive and wide-ranging, but recommended that closer atten tion be paid to the focus and structure of the dia logue, changing social needs and new issues and the actors concerned. In principle, stakeholders were satisfied with Heineken's conduct of this dialogue and considered Heineken to be more open than it was a few years ago. The picture at the operating company level was more variable, with some operating compa nies adopting a proactive and others a reactive policy. The operating companies also needed to place the identification of issues and stakeholders on a more structured footing, for which more direction from head office was required. On the basis of this study, a system has been devel oped which enables users to identify issues and stakeholders more effectively and to assign generally accepted and measurable targets to the dialogue, thereby making the dialogue even more transparent. The new system will be implemented in 2004. It is Heineken policy to enable employees to develop expertise and skills which are consistent with their natural talents. Appointments and career development opportunities are decided on the basis of the candidate's suitability (education and training, personality, expertise and skills, work experience) and his or her legitimate demands. Heineken bases decisions in personnel matters solely on objective criteria. Within reasonable limits, Heineken respects the personal beliefs and convictions of existing and future employees. Heineken supports fundamental human rights, in accordance with the recognised role of corporate entities within society. Heineken safeguards the human rights of its employees within its facilities and will provide support to the best of its ability if an employee's human rights are infringed outside its facilities. Heineken takes the view that childhood is a time for playing and learning, and does not employ child labour at its facilities. Heineken will develop programmes to persuade business partners to stop using child labour. HEINEKEN N.V. SUS TA INABILITY REPORT 2 00 2-2 00 3 14

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2002 | | pagina 16