Q Preface
Quality is the key to Heineken's success. Quality is the yardstick for our products, our
financial results, the conditions in which our people work and the contribution we seek to
make to society. A healthy business cannot be sustained without concern for people and
the environment.
This vision underpins our position in the communities of all the countries in which
we have a presence. Several years ago, we started work on our responsibility manage
ment programme, through which we intend to anchor our vision structurally in all areas
and at all levels within the organisation. Further details of this programme can be found
on pages 22-25.
Dialogue-with employees, consumers, people living close to our breweries,
shareholders, governmental and non-governmental organisations and others- is an
essential element of responsibility management. The purpose of this report,
which performs a function as part of that dialogue, is to show how we fulfill our social
responsibilities and the results we have achieved.
The scope of the report has been expanded in two respects compared with our
first environmental report, which was published in 2000: environmental coverage has
been extended beyond Europe to include Heineken companies all round the world and the
report now includes safety (in Europe) and health (in Africa). We plan to extend the safety
and health coverage of the report to include other regions in 2004. We also intend to
present the initial results of our responsibility management programme at that time.
Flaving formalised Heineken's environmental policy in iggg, we defined our policy
on safety and health in 2001. Our integrated safety, health and environmental policy
statement can be found on the back cover of this report.
Transparency and accountability are essential to the dialogue we need to conduct
if we are to optimise our efforts and achieve the targets we have set. We have taken note
of the response to our previous environment report and look forward to receiving your
reactions to this edition.
The Executive Board of Heineken N.V.
July 2002