BASIS OF REPORTING Environmental performance parameters Water Water consumption and amount of waste water discharge Waste-water quality Organic content in effluent after treatment. Amount of suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus in the waste water Energy consumption Consumption of electricity and heat Atmospheric emissions Emissions of C02, NOx.SOx; refrigerants (CFCs and (H)CFCs, NH3) that are in use and have been lost; halons that are in use and have been lost Solid waste Hazardous waste, waste-water treatment sludge, residual industrial waste Nuisance Number of complaints Limitations The reliability of the data is subject to certain limitations, despite the fact that the safety and environmental experts at our production units have reported to the best of their knowledge, in good faith and in accordance with agreed procedures and their figures have been validated by the Heineken Technical Services unit. Heineken is con tinuing to work on formulating and applying uniform definitions and instructions for reporting purposes, in order to improve the accuracy and comparability of the data. Definitions Differences in the interpretation of definitions have occurred in some cases. On the basis of our internal validation findings, we do not expect these differences at the aggregated level to be greater than ±5% The definitions of effluent and waste-water treatment sludge volume have been revised in 2001 (see environment report). Completeness Reporting was late, incomplete or not received at all in some cases. In orderto provide a realistic representation of total Heineken's environmental impact, the missing data have been estimated in accordance with our internal procedures. Some data have been estimated by our operating companies. It is not always known to corporate office in which cases this has been done. HEINEKEN REPORT 2000-2001 SAFETY, HEALTH ENVIRONMENT 52

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2000 | | pagina 56