Basis of reporting
The safety and environmental figures presented in this report relate to the years iggg,
2000 and 2001 for the production units of the Heineken operating companies and
participating interests which are included in the consolidated financial statements
(see Annexes 5 and 6), except for Thai Asia Pacific Brewery whose production units are
included in the SHE report.
The safety figures relate only to the European region. 'Production units' means
breweries, maltings and soft-drink plants and combinations of these. Where soft drinks
account for less than 10% of a brewery's total production volume, the performance
data relating to soft drinks are included in the brewery's data. The figures do not
include distribution departments which are not located at production sites nor do they
include corporate offices. The volume figures presented in this report, based on pro
duction, may differ slightly from the figures presented in Heineken's financial report,
which are based on sales. This difference is accounted for by exports and the volume
produced under licence.
Reporting systems
The breweries report environmental data to the Brewery Comparison System (BCS) and
the maltings report information on their water, electricity and thermal energy con
sumption to the Malting Comparison System (MCS). Both systems are managed central
ly by Corporate Production Policy Control (abbreviated to Corporate Production).
The other environmental data for maltings and soft-drink plants are recorded by local
systems. Safety data are still recorded at local level at present, but the BCS will be
modified in 2002 to include the relevant safety parameters.
Reporting is in accordance with the instructions and definitions issued by
Corporate Production, using report forms provided by that department. Since 2001,
all production units have used the standard report form. Newly acquired production
units are linked into this reporting system as soon as possible, so that data collection
can start without delay. Information on these units for their first reporting year can
be found in Annexes 4 and 5. The individual safety and environmental reports by the
production units were validated by Heineken Technical Services safety and
environmental experts, who checked the completeness and accuracy of the reported
data and assessed the basis of the changes, with a view to improving the quality of the
data and the information provided. A selection of the checked and aggregated data
was then verified by KPMG Sustainability.
Safety reporting
The safety reporting system is used by the production units to record accidents at their
locations and report on the consequences for both their own staff and contractors'
personnel, as the basis for accident-prevention measures. Corporate Production has