Resu Its of procedures Based on the procedures performed, we reached the following conclusions, which should
performed be read in conjunction with the limitations explained in Annex 2:
1 The internal reporting system and internal controls at corporate level provide a sound
basis for collecting, reviewing and aggregating the environmental performance data
from the production sites listed in Annexes 5 and 6. For safety data the reporting
systems and validation procedures are in an early stage of implementation and need to
be further developed.
2 The 2000 and 2001 environmental and safety performance data reported in Annexes 3
and 4 and related graphs on pages 28 to 40 in chapter 6 of the SHE Report have been
correctly aggregated from the environmental and safety reports of the individual
production sites. For safety data the application of the aggregation procedures needs
to be further secured.
3 The visits to the selected production sites resulted in a number of revisions to the
reported performance data. After these revisions, nothing came to our attention that
the selected 2001 performance data reported by these individual sites, contain
material misstatements. Heineken has decided not to revise the 2000 performance
data, but to indicate in the text of the SHE Report where errors in 2000 data influence
the data trend.
4 The safety, health and environment information in the text of SHE Report 2000-2001
is supported by underlying documentation at corporate level.
Additional comments We consider the extension of the SHE Report 2000-2001 to cover Heineken's global
production locations for the environmental data and the start made with reporting
health and safety information as major steps forward in their public reporting.
Also, we are pleased that Heineken has started communicating how they respond to their
social responsibility by presenting the responsibility management programme.
Heineken has planned to extend health and safety reporting to the other geographical
regions in the next report. We have recommended to Heineken to further extend health
and safety reporting to cover non-production activities and to provide more details in the
next report on related safety, health and environment issues in the supply chain.
KPMG Business Advisory Services B. V.
Amsterdam, 28 June 2002