Safety performance indicators
0 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00
2001 3.81
2000 3.80
Cases/100 FTEs 1999 4.06
days/100 FTEs
The accident frequency (number of cases divided by number of full-time equivalents)
has fallen slightly since iggg, but the average severity (lost days per incident)
has increased a little. The improvements can be attributed partly to training, which has
raised safety awareness, and partly to better working conditions.
6.3 Health (Africa)
Heineken provides both therapeutic and preventive healthcare, often in combination.
The doctors and other medical staff at our African breweries provide care not only for
Heineken personnel, but also for their families, because public healthcare provision in
many African countries is very limited. Our efforts to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS
take the form of assistance at local level with information campaigns, often with the
support of third parties such as the World Health Organisation and non-governmental
organisations. Some of our initiatives, including the distribution of condoms, the
promotion of good hygiene practices and provision of 'safe' blood for transfusion,
have been taken up by other agencies. In 2001 we started making anti-retroviral drugs
available for employees and members of their immediate families, widening the scope
of our existing programme to provide medication for HIV-positive woman to prevent
transmission of the disease from mother to child. The programme was launched
in Rwanda and Burundi and will be extended to other African countries from 2002
onwards. In countries where Heineken provides HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral
Therapy), employees and their families are given an opportunity to take HIV tests on a
voluntary basis, the results of which are kept confidential.
Having discussed the results achieved in the areas of safety and health, we now
turn our attention to the various environmental aspects.