maintain a medical policy
aimed at providing access to
medical services for its
employees and their families.
Heineken will keep in place
a policy that is aimed at the
development of skills in line
with the natural talents of its
employees. For the appoint
ment or career prospects
af employees, Heineken will
aay attention only to the
suitability of the candidate
^education, personality, skills,
working experience) and his
or her legitimate demands.
Heineken will base its
decisions regarding (future)
employees solely on the basis
of objective criteria.
It respects reasonable person
al convictions or qualities of
(future) employees.
Heineken supports
fundamental human rights in
line with the legitimate role of
business within society.
It secures the human rights of
its employees within its facil- Conflicts of Interest
ities. In the case of external Heineken expects it employ-
violations of the human rights ees to avoid conflicts betwee
of its employees, Heineken will business and private interest
provide assistance to its best as well as the acceptance or
abilities. Heineken believes donation of personal gifts th;
that children should be able to could influence the integrity
play and learn. This means of business decisions,
that Heineken will not employ
children within its facilities. Competition
Heineken will develop pro- Heineken believes in the
grammes to eliminate the principle of fair competition,
employment of children by its It will keep in place policies
business partners. and programmes aimed at