H ei n eken and responsibility management
Heineken wants to be a responsible company. That aspiration is inherent in our striving to be the best-perform
ing international brewing group in the world. We apply high standards and values. Our objective is to maximise
our results while minimising any negative effects which our activities may have on people or the environment.
Sustainable development - meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs - is a central tenet, which guides our company's operations.
Heineken's core values - respect, enjoyment and passion for quality -have evolved with the company. They are
inextricably linked with the three generations of the Heineken family who laid the company's foundations and
built it into the business it is today, and they still form the basis of our relationship with society and our corpo
rate social responsibility policies.
Awareness of social responsibilities is not a recent phenomenon for Heineken. In the past, the way in which
policies have been implemented by our operating companies has varied from one country to another. A review
of our existing policies has been conducted over the past few years, in the light of the experiences of other
multinational companies and the views of governmental and non-governmental organisations. This research
produced concrete policy documents covering a wide range of social issues. These documents, which provided
the starting-point for our internal and external dialogue, were used in turn as the basis for the Heineken
Principles, a set of standards and values, which are at the basis of our activities and our business conduct.
At the end of 2001, the Executive Board declared these Heineken Principles, together with our traditional
values, to be an integral part of our business strategy.
A learning company
A responsible world citizen
The Heineken Values Principles
Heineken is actively aware
of its social responsibilities,
participating in societies
all over the world, and lives up
to them.
For the continuity of the
Company, Heineken strives for
a leading financial, environ
mental and social performan
ce. To this end, investments in
its workforce, its brands and
its breweries are essential to
the Heineken Company.
Heineken feels part of the
communities in which it
operates. It aims to make a
valuable and sustainable
contribution to local and
global societies.
Heineken has committed
itself to providing an excellent
and sustainable return on the
investment made by its share
holders. It values the support
of all its investors and seeks to
communicate with them
regularly and openly, provid
ing reliable and timely finan
cial and other information.
Rule of Law
Heineken maintains a world
wide policy of compliance with
laws and regulations.
Heineken respects local
cultures. It will adapt to local
situations whenever possible,
however, without prejudice
to the Heineken Values
Principles or local laws and