In view of the importance of these products to local development and local economies,
Heineken stimulates and supports production in several countries.
Heineken is also involved in research into barley production based on modern biotech
nology (MBT). This research is not expected to yield practical results within the next
3 to 5 years. Heineken will only use MBT-based products if they offer clear advantages
for both the consumer and the environment, comply with the applicable legislation and
regulations and are accepted by the public.
Another example of environmental protection within the supply chain is the
light weighting' project, in which Heineken is participating. This project, which aims to
reduce consumption of packaging materials, is repeated every five years so that full
benefit can be derived from the latest technologies and options (see also Chapter 6.8).
The insight into the current
performance of our breweries
afforded by an international
energy benchmark shows that,
while some are at the top of the
league, others still have room
for improvement. Our corporate
'Aware of Energy' programme,
which seeks to improve the
performance of all our breweries,
will be introduced in 2002. The
aim is to reduce specific energy
consumption by around 10%,
through research, setting targets
and introducing new measures.
The first tasks are to raise aware
ness among Fleineken's staff and
introduce procedures based on
'good housekeeping'. But it is also
about technologies such as heat
recovery and the use of renewable
energy, including biogas. We are
planning to report on the progress
and results of this programme in
our next report.
4.4 Implementation of environmental management systems
in the European operating companies
Production at all our locations in Europe must comply with the international ISO 9000
standard and must operate an environmental management system, preferably based
on ISO 14001. Breweries in Spain and France achieved ISO 14001 certification in 2000
and 2001. 38% volume of the beer produced in Europe is now in compliance with
this standard. The comparable figure for soft drinks and mineral water production is
currently 12%. Other breweries in Spain Italy, France and Ireland are currently making
preparations to obtain ISO 14001 certification.
4.5 Environment-related capital expenditure and costs
As announced in our previous report, the Environmental Cost working group, consists
of a number of European environmental coordinators. It has been set up to formulate
clear definitions for environment-related operating costs and capital expenditure,
so that they can be incorporated into our financial systems. Three categories of envi
ronmental costs have been defined: waste water disposal costs, waste removal costs
and environmental management and monitoring costs, which include penalties paid
to public authorities. Three categories of income have been defined: income from