4.2 Safety
At two meetings in 2001, the safety coordinators of the European operating companies
agreed on uniform procedures for reporting and presentation of figures. Reporting cov
ers all the European production units which come under the responsibility of Heineken
management. Internal transport within brewery sites is also included. The figures for
accidents relate to Heineken personnel, temporary workers, agency staff and people
working on a contract basis. Agreement was also reached on accident frequency and
accident severity as performance indicators (see Annex 2).
4.3 Environment
All Heineken operating companies set targets each year for reducing their consump
tion of electricity, fuel and water. These targets (see Annexes 3 and 4) are incorporated
into a three-year plan which sets out the actions needed to achieve the targets.
All operating companies have access to the expertise, which exists within Heineken to
assist them in formulating their plans. That expertise is available online via a central
database and is disseminated through training courses and themed workshops.
After approval of the three-year plan and initiation of the required action, the operat
ing companies are responsible for recording data on their environmental performance,
employing a uniform procedure. The data they deliver are validated internally by
Heineken Technical Services and verified externally.
All environmental parameters for
the Heineken breweries are record
ed in a central database: the
Brewery Comparison System (BCS).
This system was extended in 2000
to include additional environ
mental parameters. The system
supports local management by
providing consistent monitoring
and reporting. It also enables a
brewery's performance to be
measured against set targets and
compared with that of the other
breweries, generating input for
adjusting targets and encouraging
competition between breweries to
improve performance still further.
4.3.1 Environmental management within the supply chain
Heineken is conscious of its responsibility for environmental management within the
supply chain: from the production of the raw materials to the disposal of the waste
products. We seek to minimise environmental impact through efficient use of raw
materials and selection of the most environment-friendly alternatives.
In the area of raw-material production, Heineken initiated a 'barley-malt-beer'
supply-chain project in the Netherlands in 1995, with the aim of improving quality and
safeguarding barley and malt production integrity. Various projects were set up with
growers, collectors, maltsters and brewers to identify areas where improvements might
be made in barley and malt production yields, quality and integrity. By involving all links