3.1 Responsibility management
Social standards and values have helped to shape our company since the very begin
ning, and their influence has not diminished as the company has grown. For example,
we have been providing medical facilities for our employees and their families for many
years in countries where those facilities are limited or non-existent.
How social standards and values are implemented within Heineken differs from
operating company to operating company and from country to country. The purpose of
our responsibility management programme is to create greater consistency and clarity,
both to further communicate our identity and to enable us to evaluate and, where nec
essary, reinforce our policy.
Within the framework of this programme, the Executive Board formulated the
Heineken Values Principles in 2001, implementation of which is the responsibility
of the local management teams. Starting in 2002, these management teams will initiate
a dialogue with employees and local external parties, as a basis for translating the
Heineken Values Principles into procedures and activities that are consistent with the
culture of the local communities.
Pilot projects based on this approach were launched in 2001 in four countries
(Ghana, Indonesia, Poland and Rwanda). In our next report we will give an update on
our progress and the results. A more detailed explanation of this programme can be
found on pages 22-25.
In pursuit of its policy of continuous
improvement of its environmental,
safety and health performance,
Heineken has set itself the
following objectives for the next
two years:
Intensification of the energy
efficiency programme
Feasibility study of alternative uses
for brewers grains as a source of
sustainable energy
Development of sustainability
indicators for (malting)
barley growing
Promotion of environmental
management within the supply
Further integration of health and
safety aspects at our operating
companies around the world, on
the basis of experience gained in
Europe and Africa.
Reporting on progress and results
of our responsibility management
3.2 The Heinekeri safety, health and environment policy statement
Heineken's environmental policy statement was expanded to include safety and health
and was approved by the Executive Board in December 2001. It states that these three
themes form an integral part of the company's operations and that Heineken will
continuously seek improvement at all levels in the organisation. The complete text of
the statement can be found on the back cover of this report.