HEINEKEN INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE NO. 36 PAGE 4 The date is June 1990. Brazilians have had a long wait but at last the moment has arrived: the launch of Heineken beer in Rio de Janeiro. Heineken gets off to a flying start and everyone is elated. Eighteen months later the enthusiasm has been dampened, as the recession has bitten deep; by October 1991 inflation is running at 22.6% a month. Rio de Janeiro, a city of eight million inhabitants, was the first city in Brazil in which Heineken beer was introduced. Economic recession slows Heineken's growth in Brazil But first we need to take a trip even further back in time. For a lot had to happen before the introduc tion of Heineken in Brazil. It all star ted in 1980 when the Coca Cola bot tler in Belo Horizonte decided to build a brewery. He wanted to break through the stranglehold of the two existing breweries so as to protect the sales of his own soft drinks. The breweries - which also have soft drinks in their range - applied a poli cy of 'no soft drinks, no beer' during the summer months. Since there is a shortage of beer in Brazil every sum mer, the customers were forced to buy soft drinks from the breweries. The Coca Cola bottler realised that he needed a beer brand in his range to halt the decline in Coca Cola's market share. Imported beers were not permitted at that moment and so the bottler decided on the bold step of building a brewery and deve loping the Kaiser beer brand. Coca Cola headquarters in Atlanta, USA, gave the plan the green light but demanded that an international brew ery should also participate in the pro ject. Heineken welcomed the idea of a participation in Kaiser, as the out standing distribution network for Coca Cola would in due course prove very valuable for a possible introduction of Heineken beer. Other Coca Cola bottlers in Brazil followed the example of Belo Horizonte and six breweries were built at record speed. In the space of seven years Kaiser has gained a solid position on the Brazilian beer market with a market share of some 12%. Marketing manager Paul Nitschmann in his office in Rio. Shortage In June 1990 Heineken beer (brew ed in the Kaiser brewery in Rio) was cautiously introduced in Rio de Janeiro, followed six months later by Sao Paulo. Paul Nitschmann, who has worked in Brazil for the past year as marketing manager of Heineken do Brasil, says: 'In the summer of 1991 (January and February, ed.) there was again a shortage of beer. At that time the Brazilian economy was prospering. People had money to spend and so they showed a mas sive preference for Heineken. Everyone was enthusiastic and con vinced that Heineken would become an enormous success in Brazil. After the summer the shortage of beer dis appeared and at the same time the economy moved into recession. The enormous inflation at the moment doesn't make things any easier for us.'An extra handicap for Heineken was the government's unexpected decision to allow imported beers into the Brazilian market. This decision came shortly after Heineken beer had been introduced. Imported beer enjoys high prestige status in Brazil. That's the reason why Heineken had been trying for years to gain a foothold via imports. Since the strong feeling was that the Brazilian government would not change its policy, it was decided to brew Heineken locally. For a premium (i.e. pricey) prod uct like Heineken an economic recession comes as an extra hard blow. Certainly when the product is still in its build-up phase. As regards beer, brand loyalty is reasonably well developed, though Nitschmann feels that this should not be overra ted. 'People show a distinct preferen ce for a certain beer brand, but if the bar owner doesn't happen to have a chilled bottle of that brand available, they easily switch to another brand.' Ice cold Brazilians love an ice cold beer: 2 degrees Celsius is about the maxi mum drinking temperature. All the Brazilians together consume some 60 million hectolitres of beer a year. The Copacabana in Rio is world- famous, but the surrounding beaches, like this one at Ipanema, are situated in equally beautiful scenery.

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Heineken International Magazine | 1992 | | pagina 4