4 Licensing agreement called off Beer can with non-removable ring pull in Holland some 200 of themThe personnel has been managed by Mr.(Ij. Kuhlman B^^IKErS B II^Ib*' mÊ It**- part Ot tne worloMiriam van de Laan. Mr. G. Kuhlman, head of the I.P.D., is on the extreme right of the photo on the front cover. Method of work Conditions of employment Computer Personnel department for expatriate employees -n \jg jy nprsnnnpl rnncnltant is rpsnnnsihlp for hie own snprifir Backrow, from left to right: Piet van Baarle, Harry van Kints (both working in remuneration systems) and René Kolpa, personnel r P consultant. His three colleagues are seated at the table and are (from left to right) :Jan van derVeen, Hugo de Haas van Dorsser and The International Personnel Department is a fascinating place to work in because of its highly diverse activities. Its duties are much more wide-ranging than many people would expect of a personnel department. Examples of some of its activities are: making arrangements for journeys, visas, work permits, determining pay levels, social security, agreeing on the mode of payment with the recipient company, laying down the conditions of employment, etc. The I.P.D. is not only fascinating because of the wide diversity in its duties, but also because of the relatively large numbers of employees who are sent out to a foreign country. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult to carry out the activities according to a fixed plan. For instance, there may be unannounced visits by expatriates, or the work may entail researching and finding a solution to all sorts of queries from expatriates.This means that high demands are made on the department's talent for improvisation The services of the IP. Dare called in at an early stage. Even when the secondment of an employee to another country is still being considered, the I.P. D. is already making preparations. After the definitive decision an entire flood of activities is set in motion. "First of all the employee is given information about the country in which he is to work. Not only the employee is informed, but his family are also briefed in detail. The wife or husband usually also comes along to the information briefings to get to know about the country and its customs, to pick up information about the country's politics and culture and how to adapt best to the situation there", explains Mr. Kuhlman. Then the employee attends a crash course lasting only a very short time (2 to 3 weeks) to learn the language that is spoken in the relevant country. "The company language is English, but you can't expect French-speaking people in Africa suddenly to start talking English" .The whole family also has to pass a medical examination.The type of check-up depends on the country they are heading for. The I.P.D. also takes care of applications for residence and work permits. In some countries it takes quite some time before such permits are issued. "There have been cases where someone had to postpone his departure seven times because the required permits had still not been granted", says Mr. Kuhlman. The expatriate's package of employment conditions is extensive. The way in which the conditions and arrangements are applied also depends on the country concerned, on the location and on the business to which the employee is seconded. Personal circumstances also play a role. Mr. Kuhlman picks up a hefty manual which has just been compiled in draft form by Corporate Social Affairs and which lists all the arrangements. Flundreds of pages filled with employment conditions, rules and arrangements. Answers are given to questions such as: what rules apply to the removal costs, what arrangements are there to cover medical costs, how often can I go home on leave to the Netherlands and how do I travel there, what do I do about insuranceschooling costslocal transport, any tropical clothing that may be needed, admission to hospital, deaths in the family, and much more. "The determination of the salary is a whole story in itself. Some years ago a salary calculation system was introduced which ensures, amongst other things, that the Heineken employee can maintain the same spending pattern abroad as he would have had in the Netherlands, depite exchange rate fluctuations and inflationIf the cost of living increased in the foreign country and if the employee's salary were to remain the same, he would have (sometimes considerably) less spending power. But our salary calculation system now enables us to make an accurate computation of the influence of exchange rate changes and inflation on the disposable income. On this basis adjustments can be made so that the disposable income is maintained at the same level", explains Mr. Kuhlman. In the build-up of the salary the country of secondment is also taken into accountWorking and living in the tropics means an extra burden, for instance because of the climate. The ladies in the travel bureau: Petra van Dorst (left) and Mariska van der Togt. The I. PD. secretariat is staffed by Renata Wijbenga (left), Perry Brand and Sylvia Geerts. "Working in a tropical country simply happens to be completely different from working in the Netherlands". Kuhlman adds that the differences between the countries are very wide in such fields as medical facilities, culture, language, social contact, recreational facilities, etc. Depending on the extent to which the various circumstances differ, expatriates can receive an extra allowance. The comprehensive income calculations are time-consuming. And so the computer brings the solution. "We are busy automating. We've almost reached the stage where we can offer expatriates an individual income statement. From such a statement the expatriates can see the differences between the situation in the Netherlands and their local incomeIn vie w of the present state of the art in computerisation, this represents an initial phase in the automation process within the I.P.D. Over the longer term it will have to be possible to link together a number of data so that the information can be made available quickly and efficiently." Since the I.P.D. has gained a wealth of experience in the area of secondments over the years, its know-how is also being used by other operating companies. Mr. Kuhlman ends by remarking that Heineken maintains contacts with other internationally operating businesses in order to ascertain whether Heineken is following the general pattern of developments with regard to expatriates. According to Kuhlman, these talks with other businesses show that Heineken offers good secondment arrangements. Beer cans with a new closure will be put on to the Dutch market this year. Fixed to the lid is a metal tab which is pushed inwards to open the can.This is known as the "undetachable can end" .This new design will help create a tidier environment and will bring an end to injuries caused by thoughtlessly discarded ring pulls. Following mutual consultation the Dutch breweries, affiliated within Holland's Central Brewery Office, decided jointly to introduce this change. Holland's "Recreation Foundation" has concluded from surveys that each year one person in every hundred recreationing on beaches and at the water's edge is injured by can ring pulls which have been left lying on the ground.The foundation was therefore very pleased about the decision by the Dutch breweries. Talks are still being held about the date of the introduction, but the cans with the new closure are expected to be launched in the middle of this year. In our October issue of Heineken Internal Magazine we proudly reported on the licensing agreement between Heineken and the Hamar brewery in Norway. This related to a licensing agreement for the Amstel brand. One day before the magazine's publication date it was announced that the agreement had been called off by Hamar. Heineken Regional Marketing Manager G.J. Vuyk explains why: "We heard that, unexpectedly, another brewery chain was planning to take over the Hamar brewery. Feeling that such a takeover would not fit in with a licensing agreement, Hamar informed us that they had decided against any further cooperation."

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Heineken International Magazine | 1988 | | pagina 4