Heineken and Amstel Light Celebrate N.Y. Marathon
Come fp think of if,
VMCO 10-Year Club
Adds Four New Numbers
Big, Big Sales Boosters!...
"Double Dutch" is here!
Heineken and DeKuyper
Schnapps... Terrific!
111 hogka Heineken:
This is the refreshing view of a pre-race open house where more than 2,000 N.Y.
Marathon participants crowded the U.S. Steakhouse in Manhattan. They were
there to enjoy high-carbohydrate foods and all the Heineken and Amstel Light
they wanted. VMCO provided more than 100 cases of America's favorite imports.
Al Nilson, VMCO Ad Manager, said, "Since Heineken is the largest selling beer in
America, we wanted it to be part of one of the country's greatest sporting events."
All our congratulations to these four
VMCO people who have contributed to
our success for a decade. They are:
Arne Bernard Lucenius, Gerhard E.
Mudrack, Lorraine C. Shillat and Paul
ine S. Szturma.
The beautiful full color photography
from the new Heineken ad campaign
has been blown up to make giant, wall
size posterstwenty-six inches by
thirty-four inches. Nobody can miss
themor the message. The "Come to
think of it, I'll have a Greenie" is espe
cially for the college/young adult mar
ket. Both are beautiful! Put 'em up!
You're going to be hearing a lot about a
great new combinationDeKuyper
Peppermint Schnapps and Heineken
Lager Beer.a pony of the former with
a stein of the latter as a chaser. There'll
be a strong promotion backing this
new, bright, refreshing drink. We'll
have pictures of the promotion pieces
in the next issue of The Windmill.
A GREAT display with the new Amstel
display sign, at M&M #3 in Nacog
doches, Texas. David Luna was the
installer on this one.
BEAUTIFUL new headquarters for
Clare Rose, Inc., distributor for Heine
ken and Amstel Light, in Patchogue,
N.Y. Standing in front of the new build
ing, named for Mildred C. Rose in
honor of Mrs. Rose, are Mark Rose,
Clare Rose, Mildred Rose (Mr. and
Mrs.) and Ric Rose. Clare Rose, Inc.
is celebrating its 45th year in the
Patchogue area.
1* /J