li in
VOL. Vii. No. 3
JULY, 1956
Our ^Jlapptfi
The Windmill
PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING 6 CO., INC., 6 West 48th St., New Yoric 36, N. Y.
OUR national sales keep on setting
new monthly records with orders
rolling in from all directions. It would
almost seem like the Heineken's snow
ballof which we have talked so often,
has become so big that it could be com
paredwith a Heineken's "snowman"
Recently we tried to analyze where all
this increased business is coming from
and some very interesting observations
were made which gives us the pleasant
realization that our business is more wide
spread than ever before all throughout the
United States. For instance, in the greater
New York Metropolitan area, hundreds
of new retail outlets are being opened
every monthThese outlets bring in a sub
stantial part of our increased volume and
very often represent the medium priced
taverns and eating places, not to forget
the delicatessens and grocery stores, as
well as the large super markets. Therefore,
our business does not only come from the
top-notch and "name" outlets any more,
such as was the case in pre-war days, but
the consumer demand for Heineken's
covers a much larger part of the drinking
public than in the past.
hr the Mid-Western areas, we have a
mounting increased volume of sales con
sistent with the growing activities of our
organization and the greater demand for
Heineken's by the public. Here, draught
beer sales are very substantial and help
very much the sales of bottle beer in many
recently opened outlets.
In the Pacific Coast area, the increas
ing volume is greatly helped by the very
many retail outlets being opened in off-
premise spots and here, the very fancy
super markets play an important role.
Down South, our business in the Florida
vacation resorts is fabulous and this, in
turn, no doubt, is helpful in many other
markets of the United States where re
turning visitors ask for Heineken's by
A scene at the dock in Rotterdam during the loading of Heineken's on hoard
steamer NIEUW AMSTERDAMIt is only natural that we should show a picture
of a very frequent scene at the docks in Rotterdam where Heineken's is loaded on
many ships to many ports in the United States
You will note that the big trailer truck shows the same lettering that we use here
while in the foregroundyou will also note draught beer being loaded for
New York stock.
name in their home markets.
It is amazing some times to hear in
ivhat type outlets Heineken's is available
in the most unexpected places on the
off-beaten path and still it gives us the
conviction that our sales have hardly
scratched the surface, as far as its potential
is concerned! Each and every salesman
calling on the trade should try to open an
account where he may never have thought
Heineken's could be sold and I am posi
tive that he will be pleasantly surprised at
the reaction, especially if he is able to keep
the consumer price of Heineken's down.
Selling Heineken's to the retail trade
offers many attractions, the challenge of
selling, the earning of commissions, but
above all, the satisfaction that you are of
fering to your trade the finest in the field
in quality and prestige, which assures you
an increased return in sales.
Cordially yours,