M v. Nt-r-r-:-: GEORGE WASHINGTON AND WILLIAM PENN WERE MEMBERS OF THE BEER BREWING FRATERNITY were reading the other day version of this subject, so close to our subjected to heat during the drying about two Milwaukee brewers hearts. Even you are not a beer process and whether it has been offering a total of 20 carloads salesman, there are very few people, colored with caramel. 1,200,000 cans is usually of free beer for and especially our readers, who do brewed by the bottom-fermentation the use of fighting troops in Korea, not drink beer. So here we go following recent disclosure that un named influences in this country had forced the Army to cancel a free beer ration of one can a day in the front lines. The issue was restored almost immediately but has stirred a row in Congress. EER is a fermented beverage The latest information is that JLJ which is generally made from malted barley and such malt adjuncts as corn, rice and wheat. At this point we beg to remark that "malted bar ley" literally means a barley which has been made to sprout, usually by these offers were graciously accepted by the Secretary of the Army and by now, should be well on the way to Korea. This rather unusual issue, but very a controlled watering and similar stimulus becoming what is known as "wort." So then, a sprouted barley starts the whole thing. Now back to beer. Hops which are added to the wort timely at that, has, no doubt, stirred in the brew kettle provide the deli- the public sentiment to that famous cate aroma and bitter flavor. There and oldest of all beverages beer. were no hops in English ale until the How many of us really know what 16th century, as we'll explain to you beer is and what its history is. Books later; actually, the addition of hops have been written, lectures have been made ale into beer for the Anglo- given, and articles have appeared in Saxon drinkers from then on. In numerous magazines, papers and color beer ranges from a pale amber other publications. We thought you to a dark brown, depending on the would be interested in hearing our extent to which the malt has been A view in the brewhouse at the Heineketds, Rotterdam Export Brewery. The brewhouse which is often called the 44parlorof the Brewery is kept meticuously clean and the copper of the brew kettles ever shining. process with specially cultured yeasts and has an alcoholic content of 3 per cent. This reference to percent age is essentially correct. In the United States with the many different regulations pertaining to the various states, there is not a set figure on alcoholic content while not all brewers brew the same strength beer. In some states only 3.2 per cent strength is permitted, while in other states the alcoholic strength runs a little over 4 per cent. In Europe the alcoholic strength of beers is slightly higher than Amer ican brewed beers due to different method of brewing and higher per centage of solids. Their special ex port beers are still of a higher alco holic content which assures dura- IRTUALLY all historians agree that beer is as old as recorded history and thus dates back at least 6,000 years. The ancient Egyptians are known to have made beer from barley, for this beverage is mentioned in their "Book of the Dead." The art of brewing was also known to the ancient Babylonians and Chinese, was passed on eventually to the Greeks and Romans, and was prob ably carried to England by the An glo-Saxon conquerors. In medieval times, when the church was the center of most learning, priests taught the art of brewing. In Northern Europe, where the climate is not well suited to the grow ing of grapes, the population has tried since the times of the Romans to prepare a refreshing and healthy drink from grain. The Dutch have been known to be specialists in brewing and back in 1480 in the small town of Gouda near the Hague, there were more than 350 breweries.

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The Windmill | 1950 | | pagina 2