176 World Economic Forum core metrics and disclosures Employment and wealth generation Brew a Better World 2030 Strategy Environmental Social Responsible Reporting basis of non-financial indicators Introduction Context Foundation Introduction Section 'Positive impact in our communities’ 6 970 Disclosures Disclosures Prosperity Core metrics Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Executive Board 2. Financial assistance received from the government: total monetary value of financial assistance received by the organisation from any government during the reporting period. 2. Share buybacks plus dividend payments, supported by narrative to describe the company’s strategy for returns of capital to shareholders. In 2023, over 20,500 new employees joined HEINEKEN operating companies across the globe (23.46% of the total workforce). The total number of employee turnover was also just over 20,300 employees (24.09% to the total workforce). Our EverGreen strategy has been built on our value creation model, which we call the Green Diamond. This value creation model puts growth, profit and capital on equal footing with sustainability and responsibility. Refer to the section 'Our EverGreen strategy’ for further details. Financial assistance reported in 2021 included mainly government grants related to COVID-19 (furlough arrangements), which are no longer reported. Financial investment contribution 1Total capital expenditures (CapEx) minus depreciation, supported by narrative to describe the Company’s investment strategy. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 1Direct economic value generated and distributed in 2023, million: Revenues Operating costs: Raw materials, consumables and services Operating costs: Amortisation, depreciation and impairments Employee wages and benefits Payments to capital providers: interest expenses Payments to capital providers: dividend payments1 Payments to government: CIT expenses Excise tax expense Community investment (CSI) 36,375 (20,077) (3,096) (4,353) (640) (1,080) (121) (6,013) Consolidated Income Statement, Note 6.1 Consolidated Income Statement, Note 6.3 Consolidated Income Statement, Note 6.6 Consolidated Income Statement, Note 6.4 Consolidated Income Statement, Note 11.1 Note 11.4 Capital and Reserves Consolidated Income Statement, Note 12.1 Consolidated Income Statement, Note 6.1 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Note 8.2 Property, Plant Equipment Absolute number and rate of employment 1Total number and rate of new employee hires during the reporting period, by age group, gender, other indicators of diversity and region. 2. Total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period, by age group, gender, other indicators of diversity and region. Economic contribution 1Direct economic value generated and distributed (EVG&D), on an accruals basis, covering the basic components for the organisation’s global operations, ideally split out by: - Community investment - Revenues - Operating costs - Employee wages and benefits - Payments to providers of capital - Payments to government - Community investment 1. Total capital expenditures (CapEx) minus depreciation in 2023, million: CapEx related to Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) (2,434) Depreciation on PP&E (1,464) CapEx minus Depreciation 2. Share buybacks plus dividend payments in 2023, million: Share buybacks (942) Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Dividend payments (1,080) Note 11.4 Capital and Reserves1 1. Dividend payments are reported on a cash basis and relate to dividend payments to HEINEKEN N.V. shareholders. Dividend payments to minority shareholders of subsidiaries are excluded. For a description of the Company Strategy for returns of capital to shareholders, see the section 'Shareholder Information’/’Dividend Policy’.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2023 | | pagina 176