88 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (continued) 13. Income tax expense Recognised in profit or loss Reconciliation of the effective tax rate - Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 In millionsof€ 2017 2016 Current tax expense Current year 815 807 Under/(over) provided in prior years (16) (11) 799 796 Deferred tax expense Origination and reversal of temporary differences, tax losses and tax credits (12) (45) De-recognition/(recognition) of deferred tax assets 11 (90) Effect of changes in tax rates (45) 2 Under/(over) provided in prior years 2 10 (44) (123) Total income tax expense in profit or loss 755 673 In millionsof€ 2017 2016 Profit before income tax 2,908 2,412 Share of net profit of associates and joint ventures and impairments thereof (75) (150) Profit before income tax excluding share of profit of associates and joint ventures (including impairments thereof) 2,833 2,262 2017 2016 Income tax using the Company's domestic tax rate 25.0 708 25.0 565 Effect of tax rates in foreign jurisdictions 0.6 17 (0.4) (9) Effect of non-deductible expenses 2.6 75 2.9 67 Effect of tax incentives and exempt income (3.4) (98) (2.8) (64) De-recognition/(recognition) of deferred tax assets 0.4 11 (4.0) (90) Effect of unrecognised current year losses 1.7 49 6.8 154 Effect of changes in tax rates (1.6) (45) 0.1 2 Withholding taxes 2.3 65 3.1 70 Under/(over) provided in prioryears (0.5) (14) (1) Other reconciling items (0.4) (13) (1.0) (21) 26.7 755 29.7 673 The effective tax rate 201 7 is impacted by one-off benefits in several jurisdictions, including the remeasurement of deferred tax positions following a nominal tax rate change in the United States. The effective tax rate 2016 included the impact of impairments for which no tax benefit could be recognised. For the income tax impact on items recognised in other comprehensive income, please refer to note 24.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 89